
Can you surf anywhere on the east coast?

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I live in NY and I want to try surfing. I've never surfed before but I love the ocean, I've gone boogy boarding many times and love it but it just isn't as big of a rush anymore (compared to when I was a kid).

So anyway, I've been to several different beaches in the US...from Wildwood/Cape May, Myrtle Beach, and Cocoa Beach on the east coast to beaches in the San Diego/La Jolla area in Cali. And the first time I went to Cali I thought that a hurricane was coming, the waves were so strong. But that's apparently just how the ocean is on the west coast.

So I was wondering, is there anywhere on the east coast where the waves are strong enough for surfing in the summer? Or is surfing a west coast only sport?




  1. Kelly Slater is from Cocoa Beach, FL and surfed there.  There is also a surf school around Wilmington, NC.

  2. i live in southern florida and it is pretty much the only place on the east coast....

    not summer though....

    winter fall spring we get noth swells that sometimes can be epic....\

    o and cudos to rk i surf sebastion inlet everyday 10 miles up shore

  3. Check in Long Island, there are surfers and surf there. There is surf on most of the east coast except SoFla that totally sucks! It's like a lake here! Contact your local Surfriders organization.

  4. long island in the winter good most of the time, butsometimes how good a wave can be dends on the weather and the wind

  5. I know how you feel i live in the southern part of NY  that is why i took up skim boarding it is surfing but different tou do it on the shore where the water crashes. The best place you can find surfing is in east hapton big waves. I have seen many surfers there it is about two hours from where i live which is right outside of nyc hope i helped. ps the waves aren't stornge they are smooth and big and you can get a good ride out of them

  6. Yes there's surfing all up and down the east coast.  The waves aren't generally as big or as clean as west coast waves, but they're definitely surfable.  

    I ride a 9'4" longboard.  Learned in SanDiego and I ride it just about every weekend in central east coast.  Maryland, Deleware, VA Beach.  I've surfed in the Carolinas once or twice, but haven't gone north because the water's just too cold for me.  Supposed to be some excellent surfing in Jersey though.  I've talked to a couple people who surfed off the coast of Maine, so if there's an ocean (or even a big lake) there's surf on it somewhere.  

    As they say, the stoke is where you take it.  If you want to surf badly enough, you'll find a place to do it, even if it's 10 inch high white water.

    Here's a website with lots more info.

  7. long Island jersey.. best bets

    biddeford pool in maine

  8. hey i live in wildwood new jersey and the waves here are pretty good sometimes, can't say there better than california but i like it here nyway. To answer your question i think that yeah u pretty much can surf anywhere on  the east coast in the summer (cept like maine and stuff)  and if u wanna surf the waves r better here in wildwood in the summer than other places.  Plus it is not rough so it will be easier to ride for a beginner.

  9. yeah I have seen Jersey get some crazy waves, the carolinas dont get anything

  10. Well I'm from Canada if you were up to a drive we have some great spots in Nova Scotia and P.E.I, or if you wanted some great surf and your willing to go farther there are great spots in Vancouver and New Brunswick. They have some good spots in North Carolina and Lake Placid. If don't like any of those spots though you will have to go to Australia, Hawaii, California or Africa. Personally Australia is the one i liked best, but I would suggest Vancouver. But if you are looking for something closer try New Jersey or North Carolina.


    just bus it to jersey and surf,your bound to find some wasves at this time of year. Your just north of jersey anyway. If you dont beleive me go to

    Some of the top surfers in the US come out of Jersey.

  12. People do try to surf on the east coast, but you won't find the same waves as California.........If you really want to surt the east coast, your best bet is to get a long board for sure and surf the mush I guess.

  13. Yeahhh theres places.  Sebastians Inlet, Florida goes off pretty good.

    Theres not too many places here on the East Coast that go off like places like Tressels and other west coast sports

  14. Paul wall is crazy... the Carolina's are way more consistent than fl...i cant say anything bout Jersey cause Ive never surfed there, just know it as dirty jers.... anyone who has been to the banks more than a couple of times knows that it can go off....seems like everyone on here trashes the east coast... is there anyone that actually surfs the Carolina's??? i mean i know its not the best place, especially lately its sucked, but come on i hear people bitchen about the west... and during the spring and fall its actually good most of the time.

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