
Can you swim with pads/liners?

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I know a tampon is better. But I cant use them. Im scared Ill get Toxic Shock Syndrome.




  1. wth!! never can u swim with a pad...think about it..visualize it.

    don't worry....i was afraid to use tampons untill last month.

    don't wear a tampon the first day or the last day of ur period cuz the cotton fibers could get stuck in there and cause a infection.

    yeas it does hurt when u first put it in and when you take it out but while it's in there u forget that it's in there.

  2. TSS is extremely rare and with proper tampon use there is almost no chance that you will get it. Make sure you use the proper absorbency, change often, and wash your hands before and after application.

    And no, you can't swim with a pad or a liner.

  3. No, you can not. The likely hood of getting TSS is unlikely, as long as you know the symptoms, you can watch out for it. As long as you change your tampon every four hours or so you will further decrease your chances. If you start having the symptoms of TSS then go ahead and go to the hospital, most likely you should be fine.

  4. no, boo. they absorb the water like diapers.

    TSS is very rare. don't worry about it.

    i use tampons more than anyone i know, and i never got it and i've been using them for 7 years.

    don't be scared of them.

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