
Can you swim without a tampon?

by  |  earlier

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well im oing swimming tomorrow and i dont use tampons and i was wondering if i can swim without one and not get embarresed? pleaaase help me i dont want to use tampons b/c they scare me hehe im only 13.

thanks it would help bunches! :)




  1. From the number of times this question has been asked in this forum, you're not the only one who's scared of tampons. Just know that you probably won't be the only one there who's free flowing.

    BTW-your period does NOT stop in water. If only that were true.

  2. i'm 13 too and i've also never worn a tampon. when i want to go swimming i just say i'm busy. if you are on your period right now,  then you shouldn't go swimming without a tampon. just talk to your mom to help you through it. i know it might be embarrassing but she's been in the same situation.

  3. shov the tamp u will hav to do it someday besides pads are majorly sickening

  4. I do that on days when im not at my heaviest the water dilutes the blood so you cant see any in the pool and its not gross because the chlorine will kill any germs from the blood. I always wear dark shorts over my swimsuit and change back into a pad after . im 13 2 btw. Also after you get out the blood does not go rushing down your legs most ik i have a few minutes before i start bleeding again so go in the pool and have fun. <3 : ]

  5. Swimming while you are on your period without using a tampon is very unsanitary and could be embarrassing for you as well. Either use a tampon or don't go swimming, those are your options.  

  6. sorry my dear if your going swimming thats the only thing will help you go without FORGET IT YOU WILL BLEED IN THE WATER!!!

  7. eewwww no

    would you want to be swimming in someone else's blood???

    that's not sanitary

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