
Can you switch regular classes to advance classes in 10 grade

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Ok. well. im in 9th grade right now and i talked to the counciler at school to change my biology and english to advance classes. (so i can take ap classes in the future). the reason i want to take AP classes is to get in a college i want. i overheard that i gotta take as much AP/HONOR classes as i can.

the counciler said i cant get my classes to be in advance.

my question is. is it possible to switch your regular class to advance in 10th grade. next year? or is it to late? to start?




  1. This will most likely work:

    at the start of the year, do EXTREMELY well in those classes, like don't let yout grades fall below high 90's. When the quarter is halfway over, make sure your teacher knows that you want to be in a higher class and tell him or her that the class is moving to slow for you, or that it is too easy. When the first quarter closes, go to your guidance counselor, and she will contact your teacher (it would also help to get a note from your parents saying they want you to change). They'll change your schedule then.

  2. Personally, I think that you should start taking advanced classes as soon as you can.  The earlier that you show that you can be responsible and handle high-stress classes, the better it looks.  I started taking classes to set myself up for AP classes in Junior High.  Start taking classes like that when you feel comfortable with the workload.

  3. Well, I am recently going to be a senior and i have been taking AP classes for one year and Pre AP for two. Pre Ap is offered to 9th and 10th grades, but i would recommend that you sign up for Pre AP classes. Counselors encourage students to take such rigorous classes. I was in the same situation, i changed to AP classes two weeks into the new year in my sophomore year. Honor classes really help on the SAT and look good on your college transcripts! Yes, it possible to change your class schedule, just try to do this asap so it can be more convenient for you and your counselor.  

  4. Yes. I'm currently taking Honors Geometry and Biology for 9th grade at the moment. Since my high school's honors program is tough, counselors never recommend freshman loading up on too many honors their first year. If I get As in History and English and think I can handle it, I plan to enter honors of both of those classes my sophomore year. I've known kids who took no honors their freshman year and entered honors and APs the following years. One of them even got into Princeton and Cornell. So in short terms, yes. You can definitely enter those honors classes in 10th grade. Colleges tend not to look at freshman year too closely anyway.

  5. teacher can recommend you take advanced classes but if that doesn't work, i'm sure you could get your parent to put you in them

  6. all schools are different, talk you your conselor again

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