
Can you switch your newborn to a different formula than what is given at the hospital?

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The baby will be born in November. I wanted to switch from the Similac that is given in the hospital to a cheaper brand like good start or walmart brand as long as they are nutritionally comparable.




  1. I'd check with the pediatrician first, but it should be fine. They gave my son Good Start in the hospital and we used it for a while, but $30 a can got expensive, so we switched to Target Brand with no problems - he doesn't spit up as much, either.

    Ignore these people telling you to BF instead. Not everyone can do it - they don't know everyone's situation (been there, done that, lol)!

  2. Yes.  Don't try more than one different one at a time, give it 2-3 days to see how the baby digests it.  Once you know the baby can handle that brand you can try others.  My daughter was able to switch between breast milk, Enfamil & Similac powder or ready made in each brand.  It allowed me to use both brands coupons.  

    She did not have reflux or anything, was a very good eater as a baby (and still is) so you really need to monitor & discuss any issues with your doctor.

    I recommend not switching to soy unless you need to because the regular cannot be tolerated. I have seen several studies linking higher peanut alergies among children to soy formula,

  3. i dont know ask your hospital

  4. yes you can, but always speak about it with your baby's doctor first.

  5. yes you can, It is better however to breastfeed your child.

  6. You can. Does the formula not agree with your baby? If so, definitely switch. However, if your baby takes to the formula just fine, switching could cause problems if the baby doesn't tolerate the new formula. And always check with the ped before switching.

  7. We did!  As soon as we got home we started him on a different formula.  The doctor told me it would be fine!  

  8. Its best to talk to your babys doctor hun.. your baby might not be able to tolerate different milk.

  9. All you have to do is let the hospital know what brand you are intending to use. Chances are, they have it and will give to your baby while in the hospital.  I have a 10 week old and we have tried every formula to known to man, because of her sensitivity.  This was suggested by her pediatrician.  Like the other mothers have said, once you find one that works try to stick to it. It will be easier on the baby's digestive tract.  All formulas are regulated so they all contain the same calorie content, so one isn't healthier than another. It's all just a matter of what works best for your little one. know the old saying everyone's got an opinion....yeah!  Good luck.

  10. Don't switch formula brands unless you really have to and, for a newborn,  consult a doctor first.

    If you really need to change, do it gradually over a couple of weeks, gradually increasing the proportion of new formula in the bottles.

    Any sudden change can case pain, bloating and diarrhoea/constipation.

  11. Sure.  Hospitals select their formulas based on the best deals they can get from the manufacturer. (Who will often provide free formula in exchange for a hospital agreement to provide diaper bags, cheap breastpumps and other paraphenalia labeled with the name of the formula.)  That doens't mean the formula is better than any other brand.

    Use whatever brand you like and that baby does well on. (Or consider breastfeeding, if it's possible for you.)

  12. yes absolutely but be mindful of any reactions you may need a soy or hypoallergenic formula

  13. Yes. Put the baby to your breast as God and mother nature intended.


  14. Yes you can, but after that try not to change it as often, only if you think your baby isn't agreeing to it or spitting up alot, etc.

  15. Yes, if you are not happy with how baby is on the formula from the hospital. See if you can find one that has similar make up to the one baby is used to. Is the formula your baby has been given to him/her for a reason though?

    Had a similar problem when moving countries, had to change to a new formula as the one we used wasn't sold here. No problems at all.

  16. Yes, they are all FDA regulated, even generics.  Just make sure baby tolerates the formula, which he/she most likely will.  Buy a small can until you're sure.  If there are any problems, switch the baby back.

  17. yes,i did.i had twins, but no milk. the hospital gave them formula,but i changed over to Purity milk formula the minute we got home.the are 5 months old now & still on it

  18. yes u can. its your baby. make sure u give your baby some water before u give them the new formula.  

  19. consult your pediatrician first

  20. I guess it depends on whether or not your doctor prescribed that particular formula for a reason.  I don't see why not, but it would probably be best to call the hospital and consult with a nurse who works with the physician.

    Good luck!

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