
Can you take a restraining order out on your baby?

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My baby is very violent. Last night he would not stop hitting me in the face and pulling my hair when I was trying to snuggle him to sleep. He also bites, scratches, and kicks.

He's not usually like this. I think he was having a bad day at daycare. He also drinks a lot (of breast milk) which could explain the erratic behavior. He can be so sweet and I know he loves me.

Should I get a restraining order or do you think he will change?




  1. kids sometimes do that you have to break them out of it beore it extends to family friends and affects school  

  2. are you bored by any chance?

  3. seriously? come on now... i mean sometimes my son does the same thing. the reason babys start to learn to hit (if you ever read a baby book, like one called " the first 12 months") then you'll read that babies learn the touch and feel of different items. I know it seems a little violent, but they'll grow out of it.

    My son still does it sometimes. since he sleeps in the same bed as me, sometimes i wake up to him smackin my face saying "va va, va va" he cant say mama yet.  

  4. intervention time. you've gotta get him off the boob or else he'll never change. all that matters to him is getting his fix. kick him out and don't let him back in, no matter how hard he tries. ignore him if he cries -- they all try that.

    seriously: ruby never pulled hair (my hair is short), but she used to claw at my face at that age when i was rocking her. i always had little scabs all over my face and neck. she grew out of it around 9 1/2 months.

    edit: OH MY GOD. i can NOT believe how serious these responses are? and to say this isn't funny? are you kidding?  "i think he had a bad day at day care and he drinks a lot." that is effing hilarious. people are so lame. i think it's funny.

  5. It's a joke, people relax.

    It's just not a very funny one.

  6. well, you can not but may be the baby take after you.

  7. This is too funny! I asked a question yesterday about my daughters tantrums and how to deal because shockingly at 8 months she bit me! I was so stunned. She just didn't want her diaper changed- it was playtime she decided and that was all that was to it. She has two teeth and left marks, it really hurt. I firmly told her no not nice but still it was a shock. She does the scratching and pulling too when fighting sleep or sometime she doesn't want to do. She is such an angel and then this happens-lol It is so frustrating. I so understand and for me humor has been a relief because if I didn't try to find the humor I don't know what else to do! Good luck with the restraining order.. I wonder is that what I need too? LOL- thanks for the laugh and making me feel a little more normal!  

  8. My first thought is that you have to be kidding! Children do act up but it is up to the parents to be parents. You set the example of what you will and will not tolerate. But don't confuse what I am saying with acting out in retaliation towards him. Be firm but kind.

    But the answer is most likely no to the restraining order. Who would take care of him? Are you willing to hand him over to foster care because you can't control him?

  9. Definitely.  

    The judge would look at that as violent abuse, grant the restraining order and most likely order the baby to BMA Classes, ASAP.  (In case you didn't know.... BMA = Breast Milk Anonymous.)

    I'd take cover for now, or ask the judge for an emergency hearing.


  10. :)

    Why does no one on here have a sense of humor?

  11. I thought you were funny! I needed a giggle this morning too!  

  12. Hardy, har, har.

    He'll change only if you teach him by a). setting a good example (no erratic behaviour on your part, no yelling) b).  providing a calm environment for him to live and c).  by telling him "no" every time he does something like biting or hitting.

    Could something else be causing him to lash out?  A new situation (e.g. new daycare, new daycare person, a move), the loss of someone, etc?  

  13. I've come to the conclusion that there are a lot of nasty, crabby people on this website. I appreciate your humor!

    P.S. You want to really get a riot going? Tell people you're going to throw your son in his playpen prison and let him CIO! You'd get anthrax letters in no time! :)

  14. Children respond to emotions in the only ways they know how.  They can't tell you they have a headache or that they are mad.  No matter how young they experience the same feelings we do.  The just don't understand and they act up.  If it continues you may want to check out the treatment in daycare.  Perhaps your child is subjected to that same kind of behavior.  If it continues you may want to get a hold on it now.  My daughter was the same way.  She was very irratic.  I took her to a doctor who watched how she treated things and he told me that now is the time to take care of the behavior.  Before they turn into a teen and can actually hurt you.  Never hit or bite back.  This only tells the child that you too, are accepting the action.  Remember you are mom, you are the boss.  

  15. Well, Ellie, doesn't look like things are any better on here today, oh well, I didn't expect any different I hope you didn't either.

    What I would suggest is an intervention first, address his drinking problem and see if this is causing the violence.

  16. i think he will change.  

  17. you just have to tell him "sorry, the milk bar is closed for the night" it might lead to more violence though. It shouldnt be too hard to get a restraining order!

    Yeah, you could but him in baby jail but Im sure he will just escape!

  18. Are you serious? Um no I don't think you can.

  19. Wow, and my husband tells me I have no sense of humor sometimes.  Some of you guys are no fun at all.

  20. lmao! Mine can be your babies roomate in baby prison. We will go into hiding in that FBI program Mother's Protection. Change our names and everything.

  21. I think a restraining order might be the way to go. Nothings worse than dealing with an infant that drinks a lot.... :)

  22. I think he is out to kill you, my suggestion

  23. you can always put him in his play pen prison with no toys!!

  24. plz tell us you're kidding?!

    you need to learn how to be a parent first, the baby learns from you.

  25. I would be careful.  Drinking that much, he is going to be bigger than you pretty soon.  Unlikely he will change his violent behaviors without some serious intervention. ;0

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