
Can you take a reverse high-speed without permission from the tower? Thanks.?

by Guest67104  |  earlier

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I think the question I've asked might need some clarification. I currently work for a 121 carrier. I fly overseas as well as within the u.s. I know that it's physically possible to take a reverse high-speed, and although some people are against the use of a reverse high-speed turnoff, many airlines do utilize them. I'm only wondering if it is regulation that we must have permission from the tower to do this. And, if anyone knows where it says that I'd appreciate it. We're having a debate over here! Thanks again for you feedback.




  1. Though I cannot cite a source, I believe use of a reverse is not approved unless either directed to or allowed by the tower controller.  And I believe even things like "make the left turn when able" constitute permission to use the reverse.

    The only reason I really say this is because of an incident at LAX recently (not involving me) where an airplane made a left turn onto a reverse and the tower controller flipped on him.  The pilot then made a turn to get back on the normal high-speed and re-entered the runway surface area resulting in a loss of separation event with a heavy A-340.

    Obviously the pilot erred in re-entering the runway and the loss of separation was caused by the pilots movement across the taxiways, but the controller at LAX was pretty insistent that he did not have permission to use the reverse taxiway.

    In my opinion this is one of those things that falls under "tribal knowledge."  i.e. At some airports it is probably ok to use a reverse without explicit permission, and at some it is not.  It is difficult to know which this applies to, so I have made it a point to always ask before I utilize a reverse taxiway, and have had numerous controllers thank me for it.   This makes me feel like its the type of rule that gets bent and broken so often controllers have given up on caring about.

    I'm interested to hear the result of this, if anyone can cite a source that explicitly says use of a reverse is prohibited without prior permission, I'd love to see it.  Until then I'm going to continue to do things the way I have been doing them.

  2. no, and we never take a reverse high speed.

  3. I'm a 135 PIC and I've never seen anything to the contrary.  I'm sure ATC appreciates us getting off the runway and not rolling out forever.  Exiting the runway is exiting the runway right?

  4. No you're not allowed to, but it is possible.

  5. Where does it say you can't take a reverse high speed without permission? I've never asked and been refused a reverse high speed. Often a good idea. Not so sure you need permission though more so than any other turn off. If it's illegal without clearance  as some of you say, I'd be interested in seeing that reg. Sure isn't illegal at a non tower airport. And 91.3 and 91.103 sure don't prohibit high speed use so Thom your general admonition to this asker is a bit out of place me thinks. And I REALLY am a PIC.

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