
Can you take a stroller on board with Westjet?

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Does anyone know if you can take a stroller on board a plane with Westjet, if the child is over 2 years old?




  1. I believe you can,  however if there is not enough room onboard the aircraft once you have boarded they will tag the stroller and put in down below in the baggage hold.  When you land the stroller will be waiting for you as you depart the aircraft.  You can check out,  they have answers to all your question there.

  2. Normally, strollers are not permitted in the cabin. Most are gate checked. As a Flight Attendant, one of our duties as "greeter" was to make sure no strollers were brought on board.

    I couldn't confirm this but it is standard procedure and gate checking them is usually done so you can use it right up to the aircraft. The good news is that the stroller wont count against your baggage allowance;

    Here's what Westjet says (you have to dig through the FAQ's);

    "What equipment can I bring for my infant?  



    For each adult that is travelling with an infant, WestJet will check in at no additional charge the following items (these are in addition to our free baggage allowance):

    One infant stroller and;

    one restraint device.

    For each paying child, WestJet will check in at no additional charge (this is in addition to the child's free baggage allowance):

    One vehicle restraint device.

    If you have additional items, excess baggage fees will apply.

    A playpen may be substituted for either the stroller or car seat.

    Due to safety reasons, booster seats and snugglies for infant/children are not permitted for use on the aircraft."

    Just some tips on the stroller;

    -Put your name and address on it just like your bags

    -Take off anything unnecessary like cup holders, toys and perhaps the sunshade

    -Before leaving it at the door of the aircraft (or the bottom of the stairs if boarding from outside), attach the straps and bring a bungee cord to double secure it. This will insure that it wont pop open and get damaged in transit

    -After landing, before leaving the aircraft, tell the crew you have a stroller and at which door to pick it up. Going out the wrong door could mean having to walk all the way around again to get your stroller back.

    I fly a lot now with my three children between Europe and California. For more information on flying with children, non-commercial from someone who actually worked for the airlines, please feel free to visit;

    My contact info is at the end if you have further questions.

    Have a good flight!

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