
Can you take an AP exam in college?

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So I'm about to start my first year in college and I really wanted to take Japanese as my language class but unfortunately all level 101 classes were already full by the time I registered, and I didn't even register that late.

The thing is I've already taken some Japanese classes outside of school and I could study on my own. Would it be possible to take an AP exam even tho' I'll already be in college or would I have to look to see if the school has a proficiency test in the subject?




  1. Sure, why not. I'm not so sure about recieving credit for the AP j*p test though. I believe there is some other placement test you could take when you enter college. My friend, who took only General Chemistry in high school, wanted to skip 101 Chem, so she e-mailed the school (well they didnt reply so she ended up calling instead), btw she is going to Washington University in St. Louis, and they said that she could take a placement test that the university administers. So, I think you should contact the school. I recommend CALLING!

    Btw my math tutor, and i was in AP Calc AB last year and she would take the AP Calc test every year just to see how the material is. So, I'm totally sure you could sign up.

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