
Can you take birth control and be on the nuva ring at the same time?

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my friend tells her boyfriend she is on nuva ring and taking the pill at the same time. i didnt know if that was possible or not. she also just had a miscarriage two months ago. her boyfriend recommended getting on a higher dosage of birth control so she wouldnt get pregnant again. she says she is on the highest for the pill. she also told us that her nuva ring stays in for three months....

she has a lyeing problem and im gonna catch her in this lie.

so pretty much can you be on the PILL and the NUVA RING at the same time?

wouldnt your hormones be going crazy or something??




  1. Like it's been said, she's probably lying about any sort of birth control if she got pregnant while she was supposedly on the pill. You CAN still get pregnant while on the pill, but it's a very slim chance, so she's probably lying.

    The Nuva Ring stays in for three weeks, not three months. You take it out and you get your period when it's out, and then you put another one in after a week. It works like birth control pills in that it prevents you from ovulating. I'm not sure how being on two types of birth control would work, but from what I've said, it's pretty obvious she's a fake.

    Your friend's a liar, and I'd strongly suggest telling her poor boyfriend the truth.

  2. I think having that many hormones would make u sick. I don't think it is possible and what kind of retarded doctor would give her both when one would do the job just fine?

  3. She has to be lying the only way you would get that many hormones is if you were on hormone therapy to change your s*x. She is lying.

  4. the nuva ring has hormones that are slowly absorbed into the body. no gyno or family doctor would prescribe that she use several (two) birth control methods at once that both contain hormones. This could increase her risk for stroke, heart attacks and blood clots and such.

    SHE LIES! The nuvar ring MUST BE worn for 3 weeks! It has to be taken out on the 4th week to allow for a period.

    a combo a doc would advise, birth control pills and condoms. or a condom and a spermicide sponge.

    If you want to get actual proof get a consult from a pharmacy and ask for a printout so you had hard evidence of whatever the pharm tells you.

    you may also ask for advice from your own doctor, call the advice nurse or even better make an appointment with planned parenthood to get some educational stuff on birth control and you can even speak to a doctor who will verify what you want to know.

    those are 2-3 ways to get some evidence to back up the fact she is lying.

    They do make very strong birth control pills, there are 1,000's up on 1,000's of different pills to choose from. She would not be prescribed anything else if she really got the strongest pills. They alone would make her feel pretty sick.

    I broke out in hives because of pills and I had to stop. They made me feel sick my head hurt and everything else. I can't imagine being on 2 different hormones at once.

    It is also really easy to print pages from online if you don't feel like making calls and seeing people. I have included a Nuva ring info page to get you started.

    Best wishes to you and hope you get it proven! :)

  5. she's probably lying to her boyfriend about any type of birth control, she probably wants to get pregnant. I don't think it's possible to be on the pill and have the nuva ring that wouldn't be safe.

    Are they using condoms? i strongly encourage you to tell her boyfriend to buy some.

  6. if you get you pill as directed you will not get pregnant. i thing you Lie

  7. i don't think a doctor would let you be on both at the same time because of the hormones. nuva ring stays in for 3 weeks and then you take it out for your period after that you put a new one in. your friend is not being truthful.  

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