
Can you take care of yourself or do you want the government to

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Can you take care of yourself or do you want the government to




  1. Ha.  The government can't even take care of itself.  

    When you ask the 'government' to take care of you, it's basically the rich who are taking care of you, because the government is taking their tax money and transferring it to you via "benefit programs" that are utterly inefficient and stupid

  2. actually i cant take care of myself because of a disability and the government does not give a c**p about taking care of anyone but themselves

    but if i had the choice sure i would live off the government congress does it every day  

  3. As long as the government is giving away people's money I will do my best to be a burden on it, so that system will fail and the dead beats and parasites will die off or get a job.

    Tax payers and job creators need to go on strike and dump socialist scum on their back sides.


    AND ... what is that stupid forking window beside the posting box? What idiot put that there?

  4. If you want the gov. to take care of you and you are not handicapped in any way and are able bodied and you collect welfare than you make me sick... and thats my BIG disconnect with liberals when it comes to $$$!

  5. I can't do anything without Frau Government telling me what to do and how to do it.  I am not worthy!  I am not worthy!

  6. I can take care of myself, and I consider myself blessed for that. If I were catastrophically ill, disabled, mentally ill, poor, elderly and infirm, unemployed, underprivileged, disadvantaged, homeless or hungry, I would hope that my government would step in and offer some compassionate assistance.

    What enrages me is all those who CAN take care of themselves and still suck off the government's teat:

    *Wealthy individuals and corporations who demand tax deductions, tax breaks, tax abatements, tax incentives and tax favors that aren't available to the 'common' citizens;

    * Homeowners who expect a mortgage tax exemption from the government;

    * Taxpayers who expect low-cost government loans for their children's educations;

    * Retired people who own multiple homes, have lavish pensions and retirement portfolios, drive luxury cars, take multiple luxury vacations every year, hold up to $100,000 in each of their [government-insured] savings accounts, and STILL have the audacity to accept a Social Security check fromt he government just because they "paid into it" all the years they were working;

    * Mismanaged, greedy corporations who ask for government bail-outs, loans or other hand-outs just because if their businesses fail, it might impact on the national economy;

    * Huge multi-national corporations that make billions in profits off lucrative government contracts, then relocate their corporate headquarters offshore to avoid paying U.S. taxes [Halliburton comes to mind];

    *  Members of Congress who vote themselves fat pay increases in the dead of night, pay themselves plush perks and exotic pension plans, and have the best health care in the world courtesy of the dumbed-down American taxpayers;

    * Government bureaucrats and employees who 'work' for the government and receive higher wages and benefits that those in the private sector, THEN forget that they're supposed to be public servants;

    * Judges who earn outrageous salaries for convicting citizens and sentencing them to jail for offenses; then, when they [the judges] commit the same offenses, they get off with barely a slap on the wrist [Judge Tom Felts in Fort Wayne, Indiana comes to mind];

    * Average taxpayers who boast about how they cheat on their taxes and steal from the government every year, yet criticize those on the 'welfare roles' for doing the same d**n thing;

    * Citizens who've learned to 'work the system' to get every penny they can, yet don't want any of their pennies to go toward helping the less fortunate or unblessed in our national community;

    * Lawyers, bankers, doctors and other 'fat cats' who borrow money to get their college educations, then file bankruptcy on (or simply don't repay) the loans;

    * Wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons and power brokers who only want to become wealthier and more powerful by instigating an unconstitutional, immoral, illegal 'war' against another sovereign nation that in no way threatened, provoked or attacked the United States of America - all so THEY can become wealthier and more powerful, even though their little 'war' has put American taxpayers $9.7 TRILLION in debt.

    If all of those low-life scumbags would stop letting the government take care of them, there would be hundreds of billions of dollars available for citizens who are truly in need.  -RKO-  08/03/08

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