
Can you take criticism "straight" or do you need it "sugar coated"?

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Since this is apparently a "super-sensitive" day for some people, it's time to "put on your Big Girl panties" and tell me all about how you deal with someone telling you straight up something you need to know...

Please tell me your Sun and Moon.


**I prefer mine straight...




  1. straight up please, but criticism is easier to hear if it is said with sensitivity and respect.

    Sag sun / Libra moon

  2. I prefer something intelligent and straight because if it's a stupid and straight thing better a sugar coated so i can stand that!

  3. Hey Irish,

    I'll take mine without the sugar, please. Too much sweetness makes me sick (Unless we're talking about dessert, : p )....I'm a big girl, and I can handle the cold, hard truth. I feel that when people try to sugar coat their words, they are underestimating me, and doubt my ability to cope with my failures. I am very self-aware, and I feel that criticism and can only make me better.

    Libra Sun, Cancer Moon

  4. I defintiley prefer criticism straight. I hate it when people sugar coat things for me. I'm sensitive on the inside but nobody who knows me knows that because I rarely get my feelings hurt. I'm not that type of sensitive to where I start arguing and walk around with an attitude because you hurt my feelings.

    Leo sun

    Sag moon

  5. Straight. I get mad and assume that you are a LIAR if you sugarcoat.

  6. Give it to me straight, and respectfully.

    Cancer Sun, Scorpio moon

  7. Scorpio with Leo moon

    Tell me the way it is or I will read something into it

  8. If I'm going to be criticised, I want to be criticised constructively - not 'straight' but not 'sugar-coated' either. I don't want the criticism to be weakened with sugar but I will probably not take it on board immediately it if it's given too aggressively because I will think that it is an exaggeration.

    If I'm going to criticise someone, I try to do it constructively - be honest, but give room for improvement and do not go to extremes. This is the only way criticism will ever be truly taken on board, in my opinion. I do this for other people, and I expect people to treat me the same way.

  9. God, I /hate/ sugar coated criticism. Give it to me straight, or I have a hard time respecting you!

    However, if I think you're wrong I'll certainly tell you.

    Sun Sagittarius

    Moon Scorpio

  10. straight up but no rudeness or anything. conversely i would be impressed by such frankness. but he better be ready to explain himself properly lol. if he have a good reason and is not rude, i might even be friends w that person. haha.

    Capricorn sun/libra moon

  11. That depends...

    Is it something I really need to know or is it just something they really need to tell me?  There is a difference. lol

    I'm Virgo and am often painfully aware of my shortcomings.  Although Leo Asc will not show it.  I don't need criticisms.  I can do that myself.  What I need are solutions.  Critcisms without solutions are stupid and pointless.  Don't bother telling me what I did wrong or what is wrong with me if you can't tell me how to fix it.  

    Virgo Sun/ Leo Moon

  12. straight and to the point.  no chaser :)

    aquarius/taurus moon

  13. Straight. I can take it. :)


  14. LOL - I can be a total dits sometimes - give it to me straight so that there are no misunderstandings! ;)

    ....and even then I might not completely get

    Sun - Sag

    Moon - Scorpio

  15. I take it straight.

  16. I prefer mine straight as well, therefore there would be no confusion and I can strengthen myself from the criticism.

    I consider criticism as a technique to toughen people up, to make them better, to realize their mistakes so next time they'll be more aware of what they need to do.

    I need to be criticized, it is motivation to me. People think criticism is bad and unnecessary but those Virgos are doing all of us a favor, and I thank them.

    Libra Sun Opposition Moon.

  17. I can normally take it, just depends on what there talking about to me.


  18. idk... it depends on the person criticizing me..i prefer it 2 be straight but i might cry ( ultra sensitive)!!! :(  

  19. I prefer mine straight, but they better be ready to take some hard criticism back.

  20. I prefer it straight...when people sugar coat it, it makes me feel like people are underestimating me.

    Gemini Sun

    Libra Moon

  21. Hey irish,

    I always say "i  only feel the steel of the red hot truth",but if it's something that is very mean that the person is going to say to me,and i am sensitive being a cancer and  i probably would want to retaliate,but you know what if you ask for the "dead on truth" your going to get it,because i have a tendency to tell someone "exactly" what i think of them.

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