
Can you take fish on a plane?

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I'm a college student and I want to get a fish. But, before I get it, I want to know if I will be able to take care of it or not.

I return to my hometown (400 miles away) three times a year: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break. Thanksgiving and spring breaks are short enough that I can just leave the fish in my room with one of those extended-feed things... but at Christmas I'm gone nearly a month.

So, when I go home for Christmas, I would have to take the fish with me or it would die. I can't get a fish-sitter. Can fish go on planes (in a little plastic baggie or sealed dish) or not?

(I suspect not, not because they are live animals but because the water to keep them alive exceeds the 3 ounce fluid limit allowed in carry-ons.)




  1. If you had a dog, you'd be in luck. I understand some carriers allow dogs in the cabin. No fish, no water for fish.

    I paid for a seat for my kid and her car seat, 20+ years ago. I think you could take your fish, if they didn't require more than 3 ounces liquid, and you paid for seat. At the time, I had to pay for my kid, but I was allowed to bring enough food to feed her.

    Apparently the TSA only thinks children fly less than 4 hours and don't need to be fed. If Mom tries to feed a child, she's charged with indecent exposure and interrupting a flight crew. Any kid over 3 months needs more than 3 ounces of formula.

    I got stuck in O'Hare, but my diaper bag was sufficient, before the 3 oz. rule. Many hours later, I gave up.

    It was easier to to take everyone and drive. It only took 3 hours longer. I stopped, fed animals, kid, let them run, cleaned everybody, put 'em in the car and we drove for four hours.

    I don't fly anymore. I would drive 400 miles. I drove half way across the US.

  2. Depending on the kind of fish, tank, etc, there are long-feed pellets that last up to a month.  That assumes they keep the heat on in the dorms, etc.

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