
Can you talk to your parent(s) about anything?

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I can't because of a trust issue. But I'd really like my little girl to grow up and feel like she can talk to me about anything. How did your mom talk to you about sensitive situations? (if you can talk to them about anything)

...if that makes any sence at all.




  1. my mom was straight forward about everything including s*x

    i can talk to my mom bout anything cuz we talk alot about everything and she gives me advice.

    when it came to sensitive situations she would ask and give advice instead of yelling

  2. Well I'm 17 and I can't talk to my mom about boys and s*x and all that because she doesn't want me dating right now and of course s*x is out of the question. I wish I could sometimes. I think she is being unrealistic about me not dating until after college. Or maybe she just doesn't want to put ideas in my head. Anyways you have to start being open with your kids when they are young if you want that kind of relationship where you can talk to them about everything. Make sure they know you won't get upset with them if they tell you how they feel about certain things.

  3. Things at my house have always been open and we never had "the TALK" it was just an on going conversation that kept me and my siblings ok with talking to our parents. I talk to my mom about everything from periods, s*x, boyfriends, friend, school, drama, and just my life in general.

  4. In my house we didn't really talk about our emotions or how we were feeling. Things like relationships and s*x didn't get spoken about. When I got my period my Mum just handed me some tampons and pads and said when you need more write them on the shopping list.

    I feel exactly the same as you. When I have children I would like to know that they can talk to me about anything and at any time. I would much rather talk to my children and explain the truth about things like s*x and relationships, rather than have them learn from friends and magazines. I also would rather that they were able to talk to me if they were in trouble and needed help.


  5. no. i barely talk to them about any thing. my mom thinks that we can talk about any thing so shes the one that does all the talking. and its weird talking to my dad. i have trust issues

  6. my parents didnt do any of that.  their not that easy to talk to. they just seem like uncomfortable people to talk to. well to me.

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