
Can you tattoo a baby?

by Guest59812  |  earlier

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My boyfriend, friend and I were talking about tattoos and the subject came up about tattooing a baby. NO I DON'T HAVE A BABY THAT I WANT TO TATTOO!! We were just wondering IF you could tattoo a baby [i know its probably illegal]. In other words, how much could the baby take? I know obviously NOT a full sleeve or anything, but maybe a little star or something?




  1. I have no kids but I am tattooed. Allow me to say that if anyone even approached my baby nephew with a tattoo gun in hand they would have SCUM tattooed across their forehead before they laid a hand on my little man. You'll note that when training in first aid, you'll be taught that a burn the size of a 20c coin (in Australia that is, about 2cm diameter) on a baby or toddler is akin to one the size of the palm of your hand on an adult, as their nerves are closer together. It would hurt like h**l, it would also quite likely stretch and distort as the kid grew, and most of all it would absolutely shatter their trust in you as parent, caregiver, provider.

  2. lol, idk. but isn't it painful? lol, funny question.

  3. Nop, the ink goes to your blood and in an adult it's not a problem because your body is all developed and can take it without a problem,  but babies are so sensitive and can get infections or worse, maybe a blood disease I don't know, something baaaad!  

  4. h**l no!! it hurts..

  5. why on earth would you EVER tattoo a baby let alone anyone under 10!?

  6. i think you'd be hard pressed to find a tattoo artist that would be willing to tattoo a baby. i don't know if its illegal but it's definitely dangerous.

  7. It's funny how people don't even read the whole question and keep lecturing you not to tattoo a baby.

    Anyways..Babies do get medical procedures done and get sick and that is all very painful to them, their bodies can take pain but I am not too sure about their threshold for pain...

  8. It IS illegal.

    They can't 'take' anything, they are babies!!!

  9. 1) Its a baby, even for grown ups it hurts like h**l!

    2) You can't get a tattoo unless you are 16 with your parents permission.

    3) 18+ yeah sure get 1.

    Other then that you are sick if you would want a tattoo on your baby, let him/her decide if he/she even wants one in the future!

    I mean I would'nt be all thankfull for my mom & dad if they tattoo'd me when i was 1 year old and there is a d**k on my forehead..

  10. i tattoo all children left unattended in my shop and sell them as slaves

  11. Haha people are so lame, the whole discusion about tattooing babies came up was because of that picture on google with a baby with a sleeve.

    ALL YALL NEED TO SHUT YOUR d**n MOUTHS AND READ EVERYTHING SHE WROTE and maybe you'd understand, idiots.

  12. Haha yeah its illegal. The only way you can get a tattoo if you're under eighteen is if you are at least sixteen and have parental consent.

    Actually, it would be rather stupid to tattoo a baby, because as it grew, its skin would stretch and that would make the tat look absolutely awful lol.

  13. Yes, you "could" tattoo a baby... should you? well, thats up for debate... the germans did it to jewish children in WWII, and they lived, err, didnt die from the tattoo...

    babies get surgery without anesthesia, bet you guys didnt know that... like circumcision, no pain killers...

    but no,  I really wouldnt tattoo a baby.
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