
Can you teach a Blueberry Dwarf Hamster to come to you by its name?

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I just recently bought a female blueberry dwarf hamster and named her Mandy. She's still adjusting to her home, but after that, Id like to teach her to come to me by her name. How can you teach your hamster to do this trick? Any strategies? Any pointers?




  1. Hamsters have very tiny brains so hard for them to understand things. Try talking to it at voice level and let it eat out of your hand. Then say her name when you want to let her eat out of your hand.

  2. unfortunately you cant a dwarf hamsters brain is to small to understand that Blueberry is is its name, although you can teach it to come to you by holding some food in your hand and moving it slowly away from it and getting it to follow the smell of food then when it follows you give it the food as a reward after doing this several times it should follow your hand without food in it but you should maby still treat it some how or it might cach on and stop following your hand.

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