
Can you teach me how to be more friendly???AND help me calm down??Tomorrows the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!?

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I'm usually all kept to myself, or looking mean, which makes no one want to approach me. How can i be more friendly tomorrow on the first day of School?? I'm kinda nervous, because I'm a Sophomore transfer, from a different high school, so i don't know all the people here at this school, and i fear that everyone is already in their cliques, and nobody will want to talk to me, because I'm the new girl. CAN u PLEAZE HELP ME??????




  1. Everyone loves new people they always want them to sit with them and be in there clique (trust me i know).  Just be confident and happy/ outgoing and they will think you cool

  2. Try smiling.  Not like a fake, plastered smile, but a friendly look that will make people think you are approachable.

    Introduce yourself to someone sitting next to you in each of your classes.

  3. Think positive thoughts.  Pick out something nice about everyone you meet tomorrow and pay sincere compliments to them.  Make a point of looking someone you don't know in the eye and just smile in passing, I bet they will smile back at you.  Good Luck!

  4. I was like you (quiet, mean looking) in  high school and I did not have many friends, and I always wondered why,  and it was because I loooked crazy!

    You should just walk into school all smiles, say hi to people who look at you. Answer questions in class, if you make yourself noticeable as a friendly person, people will come around.

    Good Luck

  5. Just try to keep your head high, and smile. Be as confident as you can and I am sure it will work out .GOod luck

  6. Dude, i totally get what you mean :P Im gonna be a freshman in a coupla days xD

    alright... So just chillax, if youre all kept to yourself maybe just crack some jokes in the middle of class. Dont dress in all black, dress in somethin nice, you know? :P Join some clubs or something too, maybe if you see someone who looks nice you can go up and tell them your new the school and if they can show you around or somethin, or if theyve been there for a while. Just be talkative and approachable, but dont be a ditz or scare everyone XD

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