
Can you teach yourself martial arts?

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Can you teahc yourself your own style of martial arts by making up your own moves?




  1. No you will only be mimicking moves. Ever hear of anyone that is really good at the martial arts that is self trained. It will never happen. It took many hundreds of years to perfect the existing arts. Millions of people struggle to become good at them. So the chances of you teaching yourself anything of real value is zip.

  2. You could, but then, I could also start flailing my arms around wildly and call it dancing.

    If you decide to go through and attempt to make your own style via your own moves, you would then be guilty of bullshido.

    You are not "t3h d34dly." Don't let your ego drive you to do something that dumb, because when it comes to martial arts, you can't fool the people that matter.

  3. Technically yes, but effectively, yes! Don't believe the first answerer: Brownie, or any other answerer. If that was the case, then the creators of such martial arts styles like Aikido, Tae Kwondo, Brazilian Ju-jitsu, Judo, Kempo Karate, Savate, Freestyle Wrestling, ect., was obviously wasting him or her time.  A bunch of b.s. by Brownie!

  4. sure you can but the main obstacle if you wanted to teach legit   would be getting yourself registered with an official governing body even if you culled from many different arts you would still need to satisfy them to be able to teach officially using a structured syllabus, so realistically you'd need to go through the ranks in an official style first of all and be registered as a qualified instructor/coach  whether it be karate,kungfu or jitsu based  etc.

    best wishes :)***

  5. Technically yes but effectively no.

  6. No, not really, for the same reason you can't bodybuld alone, you're always the baddest guy in the gym.

    Practicing form takes a teacher/instructor/sifu to help you through rough spots.  Practicing technique requires opponents of various sizes, strengths and weights.  In addition if you're a lower belt, you will pick some cool stuff working with upper belts.

    Even to the most primitive forms there is so much that a good teacher can help you with.  I have had friends try to learn simple stuff like the Yang modern form (24 posture) and I still end up helping them.  

    The other issue is of course who will asses your progress, a teacher is more able to point out deficits than you will be.

  7. If you have a solid foundation in martial arts taught correctly, you can learn from video.

    I can teach myself from a video if the art is covered properly.

    You cannot.

    Making up moves is suicidal. The techniques of the ancient martial arts are based on the points of the body's meridians.

    The spiralling movements, twisting, etc, are in the forms because they are supposed to have an effect on the attackers pressure points,

    Go ahead, make up your own art! You'll be wasting your life.

    Those people who don't care for kata... they won't benefit from all the riches that kata are.

    Find a good teacher.

  8. the problem with that is that you will not know if you are doing it right  or wrong

    try a few private lessons at a reputable dojo and you will see.....

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