
Can you teach yourself to type faster?

by  |  earlier

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  1. yeah, i've already taught myself. now i am using "backspace" and "del" keys @ 180 wpm .. huh

  2. You sure can.  Practice makes perfect, and faster!

  3. Yes.


    Just do typing drills everyday.

    Eventually, your WPM (words per minute) will increase.


  4. You sure can.  It takes practice, practice, practice.

    Also, when you're practicing, try to think and type an entire word, instead of thinking of each individual letter.  When I switched to thinking and typing words, my speed really went up.

    Just use anything to practice from - book, magazine, whatever you have around the house.  You want to start of kind of slow to make sure you're accurate.  No point in typing fast, if you have a lot of errors.

    I can't give you a time line, as everyone is different.  The more you practice, the faster you become.  

  5. This program works great:

    If you google it you may be able to find a free trial version.

  6. yea you can.. go to google and google in learn how to type faster or something like that and they will give you a box filled  with paragraph and they will time you too and you just start typing..

    && also whenever you chat you can learn how to type fast on there too. i hoped i helped ya =]  

  7. Do you know how to touch type?  If so, yes, you can.  Sit down at a computer keyboard with a book or newspaper that can sit flat on the top of your desk.  Then just type what you see.  Type, type, type.  Your speed will improve.

    If you don't touch type, I suggest your first step is to learn how to do that.

  8. yes you can i learned with yahoo messager it helped alot cause all my friends are on there and it really helped!

  9. yes ,it is called practice!

  10. yeah, of course, you just gotta be patient, practice a lot, and download a program off the internet to help you.

  11. just alway be on th computer

  12. i learnt how to type fast in both languages Arabic and English by: going into chat rooms alot, chatting on messengers alot and typing every thing i am assigned to do like homeworks, reports and letters...etc.

  13. well many people i know type very fast because the type on myspace or facebook a lot. if you dont have one, get one and type to all your friends.

  14. Definitely, but you've got to have good basic instruction in keyboarding and key location first. After that comes, drills and practice to improve speed, but w/o sacrificing accuracy.

    You can either get an old fashioned typing book or software to help you. Maevis Beacon has a nice user friendly program that should help.

  15. yes first you need to start by not looking at the keys then practice and u will eventually get faster

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