
Can you tell about scientists and their contributions?

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Can you tell about scientists and their contributions?




  1. Hi  =]

    Sure I can:

    1- Alexander Graham Bell is generally credited in the U. S. with being the inventor of the telephone.

    2- Niels Bohr was a Danish scientist who won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1922 for his work in regards to understanding the structure of atoms.

    3- Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to publish a full-fledged theory that the earth was not the center of the universe (as was the current thought in the 1500's) and that the earth actually revolved around the sun.

    4- Marie Curie is known for her work with radioactivity and her discovery of radium.

    5- Charles Darwin brought the revolution to evolution.

    6- Albert Einstein was best known for his Theory of Relativity and especially the formula E=MC2.

    7- Benjamin Franklin was the inventor who created the lightning rod, glass harmonica, urinary catheter, bifocal glasses and Franklin stove.

    8- Galileo made improvements to the telescope and was one of the first to improve it enough to use it to observe the sky.

    9- Sir Isaac Newton is generally regarded as one of the greatest and most famous scientists in history. Newton was an astronomer, physicist, mathematician and philosopher who is known for theorizing and reporting on gravitational force and the three laws of motion.

    10- Louis Pasteur, the scientific genius who informed the world about the intricate relationship between health and diseases.

    Tope 10 !!! Took a while though !! =D

    Hope this helped =)

    And here is a website that let's you choose a scientist alphabetically!

  2. All the advancements and inventions you see today are there because of the contributions of brilliant scientists.  Since man discovered fire, our curiosity has led of down a path of discovery and enlightenment.  And over the years these discoveries have formed the base of our society.  Without scientists, we as a species, would have died out years ago.

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