
Can you tell how "in love" a couple is by watching them?

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I was just reading some article about Jennifer Aniston and the comparison about her relationship to Brad Pitt and his relationship to Angelina Jolie. Stupid I know.

But I noticed that while Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt appeared to be more like best friends, he and Angelina seem more like intimate lovers. I think there is a difference between being in just a relationship and being passionately drawn to a person, emotionally and physically.

The Brad and Angie/Jen thing is just an example but I feel like there is more passionate love between him in Angie versus him and Jen, who's relationship appeared more labored.

I would personally want the more Angie/ Brad type relationship with emotion and passion. What do you think? Can you tell how in love a couple is by looking at them?




  1. A lot of times, you actually can.

    There's a lot of body language that happens between people ALL the time, on purpose or not. Its a very natural way of communicating to others, and a lot of times, the way the couple comes off through body language, determines to other people how the person/ persons actually are with each other.

  2. The eyes.......and vibes......etc. can tell.......u r right.

  3. You really cant. No matter what people put on a front even in a relationship and especially when things arent good. Im not saying Ang/Brads relatinship isnt good but you never know. Also its great to have passion but you need to have a balance. My ex and loved eachother more than anything, everything we did was passionate ... including fighting. We got physical on occasion and in the end everything just went bad. He was so passionate about the relationship he started showing up at my house in the middle of the night months after we broke up while Im pregnant with my current boyfreind child. Now with my current bf we have a good blance. We definatly have some good passionate times but also are able to manage our lives and our relationship because were able to be level headed when we need to be. Balance is always best in almost everything you do.

    Btw .. with my ex and I everyone thought we were so in love and that we were going to stay together forever and get married and have little babies. And we did talk about this. But when we wernt infront of people we could be awful to eachother and really hate eachother. In the end people stil though we were in love even though I was disgusted by his every look and touch. You just cant tell.

  4. They are "in love" but they really "hate" each other

  5. You cannot tell anything by how a couple appears to be. Marriage is a perfect example, no one knows exactly what is going on except the couple. I have friends that have appeared to be deeply in love and the next thing you know they are in divorce court.

    I was never in either relationship with Brad and Jenn but they "looked" totally in love on their wedding day .. Brad and Angelina got together o a movie set.. who would know if it was more than that.

    Relationships are built on trust and respect. Passion is a great part of it but if you don't have the rest.. then you have nothing.

    Brad left his WIFE for Angelina.. If I were Angelina, I wouldn't be able to trust Brad as far as I could throw him...

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