
Can you tell how successful the War on Terror is going by the recent lack of coverage by the liberal media?

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Can you tell how successful the War on Terror is going by the recent lack of coverage by the liberal media?




  1. First, I do not think there is a war on terror.

    How many terrorists have been killed or captured?  Have there been three dozen?

    Do not confuse the insurgents in Iraq or Afghanistan with terrorists, they are not.  Those people are guerrillas fighting a low-intensity war against regular military units.  

    Terrorists swarm to attack soft targets (like the Bali bombings or 9/11) to cause political unrest, oppressive reactions by governments, and to generate the chaos for change.

    Fighting an insurgency is vastly different from countering terrorists, and the public can be forgiven for being confused by both the news media and statements from the White House.

    Sometimes journalists have a difficult time separating attacks on the Iraqi police forces with terrorism or insurgency.  To me, these attacks on police recruits and police stations are military actions by guerrillas and should be seen as a coordinated effort just as the U.S. might bomb bridges and radar stations.

    Terrorism is a different animal than guerrilla warfare and needs to be addressed differently.  The scary aspect is that the industrialized nations are not really confronting terrorists and are generating more of them.

    Are there more terrorists in the world since 9/11?  Which side of the conflict has caused terrorists to increase in number and power?

    If there is a war on terrorism, I really do not see the industrialized nations winning.  Sure, there have been arrests in the UK and other European nations, but there has not been much news to report in the news media.

  2. You can tell by looking at the number of dead terrorists and the number of dead soldiers.

    But you must remember to divide the number of dead terrorists by 10.

    Remember Vietnam, the US like to inflate the figures.

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