
Can you tell if someone is dyslexic or has ADD?

by Guest64586  |  earlier

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Can you tell if someone is dyslexic or has ADD?




  1. Yes, someone who is trained to diagnose these disabilities (a doctor for ADD, a special ed teacher or psychologist for dyslexia) can give tests to find out if someone has these.

  2. You might want to check if the person might have Irlen Syndrome. This particular syndrome has distinctive characteristics of both Dyslexia and ADD/ADHD.  The person needs to be checked by a physician that specializes in detecting it.  I know that I had trouble with my child in school because of his inattentiveness and inability to write a cohesive sentence.  When I found out about Irlen's I had him tested  and he did  have the disorder, unfortunately  he was 17 and in his final year of school so he had a great deal of trouble catching up.  If you would like to find out more about Irlen's, and to check to see if the symptoms  and characteristics line up here is the link:

  3. I have a child with Dyslexia.  We had a full Neuropsychological evalution done.  This took over 8 hours with results given back to us within a month.  This evalution can determine many special needs.  Our child was found to have dyslexia.  If you are a child have your parents find a local pediatric hospital then find a great Neuropsychologist.  I hope this helps.  Once the person id diagnosed then you can move on for proper treatment.

  4. Another interesting question..

       I do suffer from a mild form of dyslexia, but through education and practice I have for the most part have learned to work with it, and “hide” so that most people haven’t a clue.

    Further more, when I was much younger due to my weird chromosomes and chemistry it was thought that I was ADD or perhaps ADHD, but later it was found that I simply didn’t  have ability to possess various chemical compounds from foods.. What someone might call food allergies.  No, I didn’t get little itchy rashes.

    I will say that today with full HRT, that many of those allergies have disappeared.

    So if your trying to discern an adult has either dyslexia or ADD there is no easy way to tell.. As to with children.. there can be many different factors which cause people use the modern umbrella term of ADD or ADHD.

    While Dyslexia is a completely different issue.

  5. I have ADD, daughter and her two children have ADD, one has ADHD.  H stands for hyper.

    Run in the family.  Could say I'm the culprit, all though I didn't get diagnosed until I was an adult/grandma. This was no big surprise to me.  Knew something was different all through grade school and high school.  Was not like it is today, when teachers can see right away, what children need the most help, and the hyper kids can't sit still for more than five minutes at a time.

    ADD kids need to learn differently.  Need to be given more time to complete assignments, need quiet time when taking a test.  ADD kids/adults need to be organized .... put there things in the same place everyday, more of an organized schedule all the way around.  Hyper kids/adults are more of a challenge .... go, go, go!  Meds. can settle things down.

    With proper meds. we all do quite well.  If one forgets, the other one remembers.  Kind of all equals out.  Although it can drive my husband a little batty when I ask him the same questions over and over.

    A lot of talk, talk, talk.  Should hear us when we're all together.

    Talk about a comedy of errors.  I worked for 30 yrs., so it isn't a big zero.  Can tell you this, I was the most organized person in the office and would always find easier ways to get the job done.

    As for dyslexia, that one passed us by, so can't give any info on that.

  6. Those with ADD have difficulty focusing.  Their symptoms may include excessive daydreaming or loosing track in a conversation.  To have ADD, they do not have hyperactive tendencies.  That is reserved for those with ADHD.

    Dyslexic individuals can not read on a level that you would expect them to.  They would sound out nearly every word they come across with difficulty.

  7. 1st, the other answer is completely wrong !

    2nd, you can only tell if you know exactly what to look for. Dyslexia will not show up in conversation only in the academic world- or in a job  if the person does not have  the tools to find a way to work around their dyslexia. Dyslexia is an umbrella term for a specific learning disability.  As far as ADD goes, most people will use the term to describe anyone they think has a hard time focusing or is bouncing off the walls. It is a clinical diagnosis and their are specific criteria.

    So the answer is: Dyslexia can only be determined by a battery of tests and ADD is diagnosed by a physician.

  8. I work with ADD students at work at yes you can.  If you are having any questions on these two things you might want to talk to the doctor about it, they can give you more information about it then anything.  A special ed teacher can even help you out on some books that can guide you in those areas.  But yes you can tell if the person has either one of these things.

  9. Dyslexia and AD/HD aren't something you can see on the outside. AD/HD is characterized by behaviors, like inability to pay attention, seems to daydream, gets distracted, may forget easily, always fidgeting, seems to be run by a motor and many other things. It is a complex issue. For more information on symptoms, check out this link:

    Or you can simply try googling it.

    Dyslexia is also a very complex learning difference. It may be hard for someone to read out loud, and they may seem very slow. They may have a great deal of difficult with spelling, they may jumble up letters, the may have messy writing, they usually have above average or average intelligence and many other things. For a complete list, check out this link:

    If you think you or someone else has dyslexia or ADD, I would talk to your doctor. A doctor can refer you for testing. There is no test for ADHD, but generally a person is observed, and a large history is taken of the person. There is no test for dyslexia either, but there are many factors in determining if a person has dyslexia, and require a battery of tests. Good luck!

  10. I have very mild dyslexia and if it wasn't for my spell check even I couldn't read what I typed. As a dyslexic person would transpose letters here and there with in a sentence. For ADHD or ADD, I think it is more common than we know, but written off as hyper and maybe even being marked as a slow learner. The mind works to fast in a person with ADD to focus on a task. They are bored unless it is happening at there speed.

  11. to me is when a person change mood constantly.

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