
Can you tell me 4 very good facts about global warming!?

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i have so many i just cant choose 4! 10 points!!!!




  1. 1. Global warming occurs in cycles

    2. Global warming affects weather patterns

    3. Global warming affects the Gulf Stream

    4. Global warming cannot be controlled by Al Gore

  2. Global Warming is seriouse even though it dosnt seem that bad. Most people don't mind it because they are happy that spings coming sooner. But the big picture is that the result of Global warming will kill us! It started back in the prehistoric days, with volcanoes being the primary sorce of CO2 gasses. Then a meteor struck killing the dinosaurs sending them underground with all the CO2 emissions from the volcnoes and meteor strike. Then humans evolved and we discovered coal. A fossil fuel, made up of the decayed animals and CO2 gases. We are using those fossile fuels in cars and factories sending them back in the air. Which causes the earth to heat up which makes glaciers melt, which causes floods, which causes millions to losses their homes. The average earth tempurature has increassed by 1 degress ferinhite within the last 200 years and will raise another 5 degrees until the world completely ends civilization.

  3. 1. Global warming is a natural cycle.

    2. Humans have an insignificant role in climate.

    3. As little as 600 years ago, the planet was warmer than today.

    4. The oceans have been 20 feet higher than today, and twenty feet lower.


  5. Just an opinion, but...

    "The average earth tempurature has increassed by 1 degress ferinhite within the last 200 years and will raise another 5 degrees until the world completely ends civilization."

    Interesting. 2 centuries, and only ONE degree difference? In this part of the country, an average summer day might be about 95 degrees. So basically what you're saying is that when it gets to 100 degrees, in what, one thousand years, we'll all be dead? I did your math, and it doesn't add up. Besides, we're still here and we hit 110 a few times last year.

    Here's 4 good facts about "global warming".

    1. It's unavoidable. Get as "green" as you want or can, some things cannot be avoided and are going to pollute the atmosphere. We can't stop breathing, but when we exhale we pollute.

    2. It's normal evolution for the world's temperature to rise. That's how God intended it.

    3. It's made Al Gore a ton of money and even a few undeserved awards.

    4. It's being blown WAY out of proportion.

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