
Can you tell me a little about myself? best answer rewarded!?

by Guest61350  |  earlier

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Ive gone through alot of stages in my life.. right when i think ive found myself i change. Not purposely though.. can someone tell me about the typical personality traits of someone with these? let me know if you need more info.

sun: capricorn

Rising: sagittarius

Moon: scorpio

Also.. i had no idea that you could predict beauty based on signs..

am i pretty? Ive read that most female capricorns are very very attractive.. but i didnt pay too much attention to it.




  1. That first answer has no business trying to answer astrological questions.

    I have a moon in Scorpio and yes, things are in stages and transformations. Scorpio is 8th house, Pluto ruled, represents death, endings, rebirth, beginnings. When you finally get to that rebirth, things go back down to another ending and transformation.

    And astrology doesn't predict beauty, but rather, just the look of a person. For example, Taurus is on the pudgy side: they like to eat (in the sense of indulgence), and are not exercise prone, while others, like Aquarians and Librans, tend to be thinner. Scorpios are robust. Stuff like that. And then there are facial features.  

  2. capricorn man are more charming in looks than women.  but pretty comes from inside not out.

    as for capricorn, your life will have dramatic changes, and it's true that has nothing to do with you.  most of the time you are a two face person, i know you might not like that, but it's true.  you don't know you are doing it as well, but others around you know.  you don't have the best of luck with money, but you still chase after it, meaning you like to spend money not particularly on your self, but maybe your house family etc.  and you wish you had more to give or spend.  my advise stop wishing, and stop chasing, you will get it in all good time.  you are not that smart books wise, but you do have streets smarts.  you are not that picky when it comes to man/boys, as long as they are not cheap and pay attention to you and love you,  you dont care what they do.  you like keeping yourself busy, with friends, family, house, work.  you are not the type who parties all night long or does clubbing.  you are into yourself and your boundries.  you have hard time trusting people.  you could be great at something you put your mind to, but frankly you don't see why it matters to be great.  

    i hope that's good enough...

  3. you really don't want to listen to people that claim to know things that are based on nothing.

    It is always fun to play along, but to get too deeply involved would be disastrous.

  4. Vee, you seem like you are pretty new to Astrology and I wouldn't dare want to lead you in the wrong path. First off I want to answer your question directly and not badger off regarding the beauty of a Cap...(Lol!) To put all those Suns, Moons and Risings together, I will explain in laments term. With your personality as a Cap, I'm a little unsure about what others have said prior to me, but normally Caps are very materialistic and it causes you to tend to the higher qualities of life; and therefore you understand the meaning of a dollar. With a Sag rising, this makes you very tight on the dollar, and yet big hearted at the same time. Which means you have internal fights with yourself, and may consistently give to others and began to lose resources for your self. But your Scorpio moon gives you this b**chy, attitude because this moon causes you to rejuvenate all you lost, and in the mean time helping protect you against your ever so giving heart! So you are seen as this selfish person to which you don't understand. The primary reason is because many assume that you are suppose to help provide them with things that you have, in consideration to the fact that you are usually more resourceful than the people that you are  around. And if you want something, normally you will find a manipulative plan, plot or way to getting it, and many will sit and wonder how in the h*ll did you do that, and we couldn't. On another note, you also have a need to be with someone special and is easy to feel abandoned by one or many (but usually its one particular person), and this causes insecurities and high expectations, especially to that one or ones that you consider deemed to be important you. And as far as beauty goes in Astrology, it is usually governed by your Venus Sign. Once you know that Vee, then you can post another question, and I can give you some info on how others may see you from the inside out, as far as beauty goes. But always remember though- even beyond Astrology, your attitude towards life and others depicts your outer beauty, not your make up. (that's all its is, paint that's on your face to "make you up"). But overall, hopefully that gives you just a little bit of insight, but if there are other questions you are on the right web site to ask more!

  5. you flip between two sides, but you stick to one more than the other.  people are jealous of your money (it's ridic i know, you don't even have that much, but they still pick on you).

    you are far more of the elment of air, then fire, then water, and very little eart

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