
Can you tell me a little bit about....?

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Conservation ethics and the environment? We're gonna be doing about it in class, and wondered if anybody could explain to me in simple form what it is all about?





  1. Want to go crazy with it then google "ELF"--Earth Liberation Front...they're crazy environment fanatics, but you never know they may have an argument you could use.  FYI---among other things, they were the ones who burned down that resort in Vail, CO years ago...every opinion matters, right?  Oh, and they destroyed a Hummer dealership, too.

  2. Ok there are two main schools of thought when it comes to environment and resource use. preservation and conservation.

    Preservationists want to preserve the environment/natural resources for all time and don't want anyone touching it... Protected it, don't use it, and let it be on its own.

    Conservation, wants to use the resource and the environment, but they want to protect it for future generations to use and experience. They manage the resource so that they use some now, some later, and some for their kids and still have some left to jsut be there for the sake of being there.

    The conservation principle relies on using the "extra" that the environment produces. conservation doesn't use the brood stock or the creating stock of the resource as that would bugger it up.

    Both school of thoughts have their merits and downsides.

    Hope that helps you out

  3. Conservation ethics and the environment I am the president of an association for the protection of animals and nature in Mali you can contact me on my email I will give you all the information you need to

    Mr Keita




  4. I think it means conserving our rainforests and natural areas...we should use renewable and biodegradable products as much as possible and help to reduce our carbon footprint as much as we can too...

    i found a couple of blogs with biodegradable products on that everyone can use around the home...

    we should all do as much as we can to keep the planit habitable to future generations...

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