
Can you tell me about Homeschooling?

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How to get started...

Requirements go by State or by County?

Good websites to go to...

Thank you.




  1. The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) has information on how to legally homeschool in your state and also has lots of information on how to get started in homeschooling; links are below:

    Another thing you might want to do as a student/parent is discover your learning style; this will help you/your parent choose the best curriculum; the link is below:

    Following is a link to a site with lots of information on how to choose homeschool curriculum plus lots of other good information:

    I hope the above is enough to get you started.

  2. You sound alot like I did, when i started homeschooling my son. I can say however, it has been the best decision I have made for him and our family. Homeschooling is alot different than public schools. You have to teach, math, science, social studies, and language arts, but how you teach them is left up to you and your family. Each state should have laws on homeschooling, so my best advice to you is to look up your states laws for homeschooling via the internet. is a great Website for curriculum. You can get a feel of things that are taught., is another great website. There are tons of websites, I have found just by typing homeschooling into the search bar. Good luck, if you decide to go the homeschooling route!

  3. try

  4. True homeschooling is where you determine your educational plan, set goals and come up with the means (both money and books) to achieve them. It is very much a do-it-yourself undertaking. I would highly recommend starting at the library, in the 370's and check out books on homeschooling. I particularly recommend those by John Holt, Jessie Wise and the Colfaxes.

    Is a good place to start finding out about the rules for your state.

    The positive aspects of socializing in the home school community and the community as a whole that take place in day to day life as a homeschooler cannot be overstated. Good luck.

  5. Hi.

    I use A BEKA ACADEMY DVD where there is a teacher that teaches you and all the parent has to do is check the work. It is a Christian text. Well you will have you call your school board and they will send you papers to fill out every month and send them in for records. And if the child you are schooling will be in the A beka academy Dvd program they can be any age for one program of it but if you want credits for their ninth grade and up they have to be the right age to get credit for it. But homeschooling is really good. Im glad you are looking into it:) Also the Abeka home-schooled students DO get a graduation at Pensacola and to look at A Beka's college and spend a day downt there.

  6. Requirements vary by State. If you are in Texas let me know.

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