
Can you tell me about Ireland?

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Hi. I'm a spanish girl. I'm going to Ireland for three weeks this summer. I'd like to know something about de conuntry. The best places to go, the costumes, the food, how to act...

I think Spain is so different so I'd like to know curiosities and how to act.

My email adress is, if you want to answer or talk, send me a message or something, please.

By the way, is my english good? Did I write this text without mistakes?

Thanks. Bye ^^




  1. The country. Other than that your English is fine - in fact better than many things I've read on Yahoo Answers, to be honest.

    The best places? That depends on what you like.

    Clothes? More or less the same as in Spain, but you will probably find it much colder than you are used to, and will need to wear good shoes, socks, sweaters  ....

    Food? Better than it used to be, but more expensive than Spain to eat out. We are fond of potatoes.

    How to act? Be yourself, friendly and cheerful, and you'll attract the right kind of attention.

    Have a great time, I hope you enjoy visiting my country.

  2. Hi!

    Its not that they dont know how2 pron the 'th', they just do it in a funnny way. by the way, i love it. instead of 30, or 40 they'd say /terti/ and /torti/. its really funny.

    anyway, (sorry, but will go on in spanish)

    Hola! Yo tb soy española, estoy viviendo en Irlanda ahora, y tambien tenia muchas dudas cuando vine la primera vez.

    No te preocupes!! Te lo vas a pasar genial. A lo mejor al principio te cuesta un poco entenderlos, pero se pasa rapido :)

    No se a dnd vas, supongo q a dublin o a galway... bueno, en 3 semanas no vas a tener tiempo para mucho, seguro q en el curso q hagas t llevan a ver lo mas interesante d la zona.

    a mi en dublin lo q mas me gusto fue ver las focas en el puerto de howth y los ciervos q hay en el parque Phoenix.

    galway es una ciudad muy bonita, y tambien con mucha marcha, como dublin. tiene los cliffs of moher, como ya t han dicho, muy cerca, y tb las islas aran. todo muy bonito.

    las costumbres? pues les encanta desayunar un refrito q te deja el estomago 'listo papeles' para el resto del dia: huevo, bacon, salchicha, morcillas, patata... ah, espero q te guste la patata pq la vas a comer absolutamente con todo! :)

    cuando estes en un pub, la costumbre es q cada uno paga una ronda, y, por supuesto emborracharse como cosacos. aunq esto no t lo aconsejo. son muy amables, asi q no tendras problemas xa entenderte con ellos.

    si ves a un grupo de niñatos q van vestidos de chandal (suelen llevar sudaderas blancas y/o con la capucha puesta), tienen una pinta muy hortera, los tios con el pelo muy corto y las tias con mallas y una camiseta ajustada y argollas doradas mas grandes q su cara: alejate de ellos. son conocidos como knackers/tinkers/travellers y son algo 'problematicos'... pero mucho mas inofensivos q los 'malos' en españa....

    anyway, pasamos al siguiente- la ropa, aki hay una cadena de tiendas q se llama 'penneys', es lo mismo q el ingles 'primark'. es el paraiso d los españoles, siempre hay un monton alli comprando. xo esq tiene ropa muy barata. yo me he comprado chaquetones x 20 euros, vaqueros x 7 etc. asi q si necesitas ropa, ten en cuenta toda la q te vas  acomprar ahi y deja sitio en la maleta xa cuando vuelvas a españa-no te podras resistir ;)

    en verano, si estas en el este no llueve demasiado, xo en el oeste suele llover bastante. no te traigas zapatos abiertos, y vistete como una cebolla - camiseta, chalequito fino y algo encima q t proteja del fresquito, el viento y el agua.

    por cierto, tu ingles es mucho mejor q el de muchos nativos, hahaha!!! suerte!

  3. Go to Dublin you'll have the most fun there......wooo Ireland

  4. Your english is very good, The only mistake you made was you said 'de coununtry'. It should be 'the country'.

    You don't need to act any different, There isn't really any costumes.

    If you're going to Ireland then < -- This gives you a basic rundown of things to do in Ireland.

    The Guinness house, Dublin Zoo, Croke Park, Wicklow Jail , Kilmanen Jail and the GPO which  is a post office with a great historical significance to it are great things to see.

    You could go down to Cork and See the Blarney Stone. The myth is I you kiss it you’ll never shut up!

    For the scenery I like the Wicklow mountains.--- >

    Also in Wicklow, are the Sugarloaf mountains. They’re very beautiful too.-- >

    In Dublin, The best night life is definitely in Temple Bar. It’s big, It’s modern and It’s expensive while it has loads of history and culture to it too.

    If you want a relaxing, quiet holiday in the country or enjoy the scenery, then any parts of the country will do it for you really like Donegal, Galway, Clare, Mayo etc.

    If you want a shopping, busy, touristy holiday then anywhere (or most places) in Dublin will do it for you.

    A town in Kerry (the South of Ireland, It’s beside Cork too) called Tralee is very touristy. It is the largest town in Ireland.

    It has many attractions and loads of shops and a great night life.

    It’s great for young people and people with small families. It suits everyone.

    It has an aqua dome swimming pool which is always packed and outside the pool, You can play crazy Golf.

    Here is a site on Tralee:

    Killarney is another county which caters a lot for tourists. It has good Castles if you’re into that and it has a lovely countryside and the sea is nice there too. Here is a website on Tourism in Killarney--- >

    The People in Ireland, in my opinion are an extremely welcoming race. I think this because I have went to other countries from a young age on exchanges, holidays with college etc. and I thought no one was as hospitable as the Irish.

    Here are some sights on Tourism in Ireland: (Dublin Tourism)

    Good Luck. = )

  5. Your English is very good. I visited Dublin and it has to be one of the most friendly cities I have been to. We were surrounded by people all the time : - D

  6. i live in ireland.  the best city is GALWAY. it's on the west coast of ireland. u should visi the cliffs of mohar.  the food here is mostly fast food ^^ or bars in which people drink lots of beer. it doesnt matter will u write with mistakes or no. :)  u just need to understand what people say to u and be able to answer them. ;) irish people are really friendly. i am not irish i only live in ireland. :)

  7. They can't pronounce 'th' properly!!

  8. Hola, solo quiero decir algo a Dalabiti, primero la chica escribió en inglés y tiene un nivel bastante bueno y como tú sabes escribir en inglés también  creo que es una buena idea poner tu repuesta en inglés y no en “castellano”  para que todo el mundo pueda leerlo...o  compartir tus ideas con nostros!!!

       Soy una irlandesa que esta viviendo en España por los últimos 12 años y no estoy diciendo que no estoy en acuerdo con tus comentarios (mucho de ellos son correcto) pero si vas a burlar de mis compatriotas o mi país  es mejor hacerlo en inglés  así todo el mundo puede  leerlos.

      Estoy convencido que hay irlandesas que hablan y escriban en castellano mejor que mucho de los andaluces por ejemplo, ¿no te crees? Yo por ejemplo aprendí castellano en españa. Creo que hay muchas irlandesas qué hablan y pronunciar bien en inglés. Cada conde tiene su forma de pronunciar y  su acento pero eso no tiene nada que ver si somos ignorantes o incultos.

       Además hay mucho niñatos que van vestidos de chándal en España. ¿Has visitado Tres mil viviendas en Sevilla en los últimos años o las chabolas afueran de Madrid?¿ No se llaman los “tinkers “ gitanos en España?

    Por fin, no todas las irlandesas son emborracharse como cosacos!!!


    If you want to learn more about Ireland checkout the following websites

    A very good way to find out about a country is to read it's newspapers( daily or weekly) and listen to various radio stations to find out what is really going on and the sort of things that happen there.

    You can find irish radio stations on

    You will find a wide range of stations to listen to from all over Ireland not just Dublin.  Also you can read the Irish Indo on line at

    You will also find many of the country's regional papers listed here.

    If you really want to learn and improve your English, Ireland is a good choice but be warned  that Dublin in the summer is FULL of Spanish, French, German & Italian students who are there to learn or improve thier English. It's very easy to go to Dublin,Galway or Cork and speak Spanish for the whole three weeks so make sure you choose a good language school and try to avoid mixing with other spaniards if you really want to get the most out of your trip.  

    One other word of advice, try and always travel on buses or the DART( the train) in a small group. Spaniards by nature are quite "loud" and draw alot of attention to themselves when they use public transport in Ireland.

    I hope this is of some help to you.

    Mucho suerte!!

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