
Can you tell me about Malaga pls??

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tell me about malaga pls? My bf is american and wanna work as an english teacher there for 3 months..Is it that expensive? work permit? job? accomodation?HELP.. I'll go and study spanish there without working .My family will pay for me.




  1. As an american you would be very unlikely to be able to get a work permit

  2. Work permits.  Spain.  Very difficult.  best bet: go through an exchange program.  They take care of all that, or help you with it.  

    Also with finding the job, accomodation.  You could both go through CIEE, they do study and work exchanges.  It would be a great experience!!!  (you might want to broaden your choices, though....Malaga is pretty well inhabited by Brits and Germans, so, lots of English spoken there.  Might be better to head inland, or either north or south.  Then again, with the exchange program, you could wind up anywhere.  If you're truly beach bound, you might think about the north coast, as well.  

    Wherever you wind up, you'll doubtless leave a piece of your heart...enjoy!

    I did a search, here´s a few companies that do work/teaching English:

    This one is where I lived and went to school.  I know one of the staff members...This is CIEE.  Very long - standing reputation:

    This one looks like a clearing house for hundreds of programs...might be a really good link:

    Here's a search link-

    Have at it.  The research is half the fun!

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