
Can you tell me about a gambling disaster you had - here is?

by  |  earlier

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mine - stayed at casino from 12:30 am to 12:30 pm - thought

I was cool playing against hardened poker players (7 card).




  1. Play money but most ppl at the table had about 12k.  Three hearts on the flop...I had the King and 5 of hearts....draw then in pretend i have nothing, call and check, then the river fell....2 of hearts......over 170k on the table...50k of mine...after I all in.....and the chump across the table had the ACE..I lost the lot because of the freakin 2.    Oh yeah the chump had about 49800 in the pot so I went from top dog to mangy mutt who didn't even have a full blind left.....pitiful.

  2. I won $3000 on a nickel slot machine...went home with $300.00!!!

  3. Playing a home game of poker, seven-card stud, with wild cards and a huge pot, I showed down five kings and another player announced six fours.  As I started raking the pot the other players looked at me in astonishment and asked me what I was doing.  Kind of taken aback I stamered out, "I won the hand, I have five kings."  Someone said, "She's got six fours."  I replied, "A poker hand is the best five cards and my kings beat her fours."  They replied, "Oh, we allow six and seven of kinds here."

    Needless to say, that the last time I ever played in a home game where I didn't get all of the "house rules" explained up front.

  4. i went all-in with pocket A's and the donk sucked out on the river

  5. i was up $400 and it was 4pm in the afternoon. We were planning to leave at 4:30, and I decided to try some new games. Lost it all by 4:20.

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