
Can you tell me about the brand name of saxophone named Highspun?

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Can you tell me about the brand name of saxophone named Highspun?




  1. HI Carol,

    I wish I could give you good news about the saxophone you are looking at.... but there is no good news.   Highspun is NOT a name brand instrument and the really bad news is that it is most likely one of the 3rd world exports, cheap and not worth the cheap case they put it in.

    Surely you want an instrument that is going to last you for a good many years.... and this one  will not, unfortunately.

    If finances are a factor.... and they are for MOST people nowadays,  you would do alot better for yourself by going on a serious search for a good used saxophone.  One that is in excellent condition but also affordable.

    Look only for the name brands:


    Selmer or   Selmer Bundy

    Vito - (Hardly anyone knows this,  but Vito saxophones are made side-by-side in the Yamaha plant.  The difference is they are sprayed with a different colored lacquer and are stamped ''Vito''.)  In this instance, you are paying for the name.

    Amati - pretty good brand and BETTER by far than the cheap exports.

    So, there are a few brands to check out in the used market.   Look on some of the used instrument sites online or near your city.   You can also look in the newpaper classifieds or music stores that sell used horns.

    HOpe that helps... but please don't get involved with those saxophones that will only be trouble for you later.

    Thanks for reading.

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