
Can you tell me about the libra man?

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Can you tell me about the libra man?




  1. The libra man is social, he is usually sporty or if he is on the lazy side can be a bit chubby. Libra males are extreamly romantic, they are also flirty they are nice too be around. They will always tell u what you want to hear....the only prblem is that they do that to everyone. You must completely win his heart in order to be his one and only.

  2. About Libra

    Although the scales most obviously symbolise balance, the Libran is not always perfectly balanced. A set of weighing scales is rarely so, going up and down a lot of the time, and this is the case of people born under this sign. One moment the Libran will indeed be calm and balanced, but also you can be annoying, argumentative, stubborn, irritable, depressed and confused. You can be frustrating to others in your inconsistency. You seek harmony but can be prone to over-indulge in eating, drinking or s*x. This over-doing it can be the biggest threat to your health so watch out for it. By turns you can be very industrious, then indolent and lazy, because you need to alternate your periods of frenetic activity with complete rest. Often it is as if you are two different people. Your emotions, high or low, are deep and rich. You shun exaggeration and hate embarrassing displays of violence, anger or passion. You love to weigh things up, to analyse and balance the pros and cons in your mind. This versus that, this way or the other? So you seem to others to be indecisive, although you probably deny it. Mostly you will be scrupulous and honest, not careless. You like to take your time deciding on the right course and get it right. At heart you are artistic and have a love of books and libraries.

    Love & Blessings


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