
Can you tell me an interesting fact you know?

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Can you tell me an interesting fact you know?




  1. Since 1896, the beginning of the modern Olympics, only Greece and Australia have participated in every Games.

  2. The platypus is the only mammal in existence that can lay eggs. It also has a beak and webbed feet but fur instead of feathers. It lays eggs but nurses its young. Explorers thought the animal was a hoax by the natives of Australia.

  3. Kittens always nurse on the same nipple, and since the nipples further to the back secrete more milk, the stronger kittens tend to "win" a place there, while the weaker ones have to make do with not quite so much milk.

    This is a related fact, though separate: If a kitten strays off and gets lost or the mother starts to move it and drops it somewhere and forgets, the milk pressure in the unused nipple will build up and let the mother know someone is missing, and she will begin to look for it.

  4. Armadillos have four babies at a time, always all the same s*x.  

  5. Theodore Roosevelt had special uniforms made by Sears Roebuck for his Rough Riders. Also he, personally, never "took San Juan Hill." He had a unit composed of African American soldiers go to battle,while he stayed at the bottom on a mule that wouldn't budge because of the noise. When it was all over, he went up and claimed the victory for himself.

  6. Nothing in english rhymes with orange

  7. Elephants are the only mammal unable to jump

  8. Cats with blue eyes and white fur are more likely to be deaf, and white-furred cats with one blue eye will most likely be deaf in the ear closest to the blue eye.

  9. We drive on parkways but park on driveways.

  10. there is over 6 billion dollars worth of unfound treasure in the worlds Oceans

  11. President Teddy Roosevelt died from an "infected tooth."

  12. A monkey was once tried and convicted for smoking a cigarette in South Bend, Indiana


  13. strawberries are the only fruit in the world that have its seeds on the outside

  14. Got one about Yahoo :)

    Yahoo the complex internet organism has complicated name. Word "Yahoo" is shortcut for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle". It was coined by PhD candidates at Stanford University: David Filo and Jerry Yang.

  15. Place the tip of your fingernail against the reflective surface of any mirror in a public place. If you see a gap between your fingernail and the reflected image of the nail, then it is a genuine, and ordinary, mirror. However, if your fingernail appears to directly touch the image of your nail, it's a two way mirror and someone could be observing you.

  16. When the Modern Olympics were revived in 1896, first-place winners received silver medals. Strangely, gold was considered inferior to silver. Eight years later, at the 1904 Games in St. Louis, gold replaced silver for first place.

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