
Can you tell me any good ghost stories ?

by  |  earlier

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I love to hear ghost stories and myths .If you think of any , please share them .




  1. I know of a few good ones, but I'll tell you about the black dog of Meriden Hills.

    Well it starts with when one day a man named Jared, goes hiking in the Meriden Hills, in Meriden CT. While he is hiking he sees a black dog,  that he believes to be a stray. The dog follows him almost the entire time he is in the woods. When he gets back down the cafe at the bottom of the hill, he asks the waitress if that dog is there often. She tells him the myth of the black dog. Supposedly it was a black lab puppy, that was dumped in a sack, into the river at the top of the hill. The puppy didn't survive, but his spirit remains. They say that if you see the black dog once, it's good luck. If you see it twice, it's bad luck for someone around you. If you see the dog three times, though, you die. Now Jared was never the type to believe in ghost stories, so he decided to go hiking again the next day. When he got to the top of the hill, there it was, the black dog. He called the dog over, and when it didn't listen, he decided to follow it. The dog led him right over a hill that was so steep that it would have been impossible to even see it. Jared fell down the hill, and was in the hospital for almost a week. When he got out of the hosptal, he decided that he was going to go back into the woords and kill the dog. He got into the woods, and the people he was with say, almost as soon as the dog walked up to them, he fell over dead of a heart attack. Now they say that Jared roams with the dog, and if someone says his name, he will shoot at you. He never hits the target, but its quite scary.

  2. Once upon a time..............

  3. just look in the mirror

  4. Ok here's one i found on


    AIM Scare

    Posted by scary_4_u

    Date Posted: 09/24/2006

    One night I signed on to AOL Instant Messenger and entered a chat room. I started talking to my friends and a new person signed on. This person claimed to know my friend that wasn't on at the moment, so we continued our chat as usual. He appeared to to be nice to everyone but me. I watched for a while and then asked him where he lived. He wanted to tell me but he didn't want everyone to know. So I gave him my e-mail address. My computer said. "you got mail". I minimized the chat room screen, and the message said in your house. At first I thought it was a joke so I opened the chat room again and I said yea right. He said i am f**** serious...

    For a while I watched the chat room fill up with visitors. While I was staring I thought about what the stranger had said. After my friends signed off, I noticed this guy didn't. So I asked him his name. He said why don't you turn around and ask me??? I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me. I turned around and saw nothing.

    I signed off and a few minutes later the phone rang. I answered it. I'm on my way to kill you. it said. I called the police and they said if the person calls again call back and they will trace the call. The phone rang and the voice said why won't you answer me. I'm the kid you were talking to on aim and I'm a few minutes away from killing you. I called the police back and they said that they would trace the next threatening call. The guy called again saying I'm almost there. The police then called Get out of the house and we'll be there immediately. The call is coming from a cell phone in your house.

    I ran outside and up the street and eventually met the cops. They caught and arrested the guy in my house. Relieved, I went back inside and turned on the news.

    Just a mile or so up the street there was a car accident and some cops died. The news said that a criminal had escaped from one of the police cars. "The guy was about 20 or 25 years old, with a light blue shirt and denim jeans. He was seen running towards my neighboorhood." Luckily my parents arrived home right when I turned off the news. I never heard from this stranger again.

    Scary Stories

    i see dolly clowns

    Posted by michelle

    Date Posted: 08/25/2004

    well this one day i was in the living room and my moms friend brought me this doll dressed like a clown. i didn't like it so i put it in a corner facing the wall. that night i went to go see if it was still there and iwhen i went to see it it was facing me!!! so i faced it to the wall again. a while later i went to check on it again and it was gone!!! i was totally freaked out then and was very parinoid. i told my brother and he didn't belive me so i went in my room. as it was time to go to sleep i went into bed and i heard a voice under the covers saying "hello" i said nothing and the voice said " want to play a game with me?" i said " no just go away" as i was starting to cry. the voice said " don't cry let's play a game together that'll cheer you up." so i fell asleep and then the voice went evil and said" i'll put you to sleep!!!" so i ran out of the room and i got my brother and he went and got the doll and choopped her up. so the next day i stayed away from my room and all of this started awhile ago like when i was 11 or something and i am 13 now and this is a true story so you better beleive me because if you don't bad things will happen to you. that's my story bye.

    I hope you liked them

    I copied and pasted them.

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