
Can you tell me anything about SOCIOLOGY?

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I'm thinking about majors... and looking at sociology... possible criminology. Can anyone tell me about these majors. Mainly if you have them.




  1. Sociology  is great, it involves all kinds of  things.  Once I read a report on margins of sympathy.  What different people believe is enough time or energy to be sympathetic to another's problems/issues.  For instance My Mom wanted my Dad to pull down a bedroom shade when she had mumps, he pulled down one but not both.   My Mom then said what about the other one?  My Dad said "If you can talk, you're not sick".  He had a very small margin of sympathy because he had a whiney sick mother.  That's just an example.  It pretty  much encompasses all human INTERACTIVE behavior.

  2. I agree with the above, Sociology is an interesting dicipline and I absolutely love it, but as a major it can be hard to get a job after the undergrad, and can get repetative

    I am a Elementary Education major with a minor in Sociology, these two go hand in hand......

    Maybe a major in Social Work, and a minor in Sociology......understand how to use it as an advantagous minor?

  3. Sociology is pretty easy, but the classes get kind of repetitive toward the end!

    If you plan on attending grad school, this may be a good choice, but not many opportunities available with an undergrad in sociology.  

    I enjoyed Criminology courses, but don't know much about majoring in it because it was in the Sociology dept at my university.

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