
Can you tell me everything you know about present-day Costa Rica?

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Food, clothes, people, work, relationships, best sights, transportation, living expenses, etc...




  1. Well, it just really depends..... The main food is rice,beans and chicken.......The people are great!!!! Clothes are normal for the most part...The women do like to show skin and wear things a bit tight.....Transportation----- Vehicles, buses,taxi's, etc......As far as work not sure what your asking???? The average person works 6 days a week 10-12 hours per day for about $12 a day.....Relationships----Same as in the states, but the women are not treated as well here....The whole country is worth seeing.....I really enjoy the La Fortuna area as well as Samara...... Living Expense------ Rent,water,electric are cheap....Food, clothing, etc....are getting a bit high.....I've lived here for 3 years and really love it!!!!!

  2. c**p

  3. Ok, the food is very simple. For breakfast rice mixed with black beans that mix is called Gallo Pinto, so breakfast is Gallo Pinto with eggs and bread and coffee. We also like sour cream with are Pinto and eggs. Then for lunch and dinner just regular stuff like rice with beans and any type of meat, it could be ground beef, steak, chicken, pork or fish, oh and in the plate salad it could be white cabbage

    salad with lemon and tomatoes, or lettuce salad with tomatoes. For the holidays we eat a lot of yellow rice mixed with chicken (Arros con Pollo) and black refried beans and tortillas and also in the holidays a lot of Tamales, but we dont use Hot spices like they do in Mexico. They also like Chicharrones a lot, its fried pork chops. You also see chicken soup or beef and veggie soup and also macaronies with meat.

    In CR you see a lot of fruits and vegies like aguacate, nisperos, mamones chinos, jocotes, mangos, mangas, bananas, and a whole lot more vegies and fruits. They also like a lot of fruit salad with ice cream and Jello. They also like a lot of Natural fruit Juices. Juices that you dont see in the states one is called Fresco de Cas. Cas is a fruit that they have here and they make juice out of it. And there are more juices too but ill take a long time to figure them out. Than up in the mountains you can drink someything similar to tea, its served hot its called, Agua Dulce, you can have it with or without milk, its really good. In CR they watch a lot of American movies and listen to a lot of American music, you have rockers, hip hoppers, regge lovers, only cumbia lovers or romantic latin songs, bachata, salsa, merengue. Marimba is the tipical instrument used it has a beach tropical feel to the sound. So people here dress in all kind of ways, like rockers, like hip hoppers, skate boarders, casual, its just like in the states you will find a lot of different styles. But here you see a lot of Soccer jerseys because soccer is the number 1 sport.  

    Here full time shift is considered 48 hours a week and most people get paid a monthly salary. Salaries arent that good unless you have a good education or your own business.

    Relationships, people here are into romance and they enjoy each others company a lot. The best sights depends on your taste but there´s a whole lot to look at. From up in the mountains you have great views at night of the city or if your far from the city theres a part up in Monte Verde where you can see both the atlantic and pacific ocean at the same time from a very high mountain and in the beaches you have fantastic views. Transportation is great, busses go all over and they pass by every 20 minutes and there are taxis all over the place and are really affordable and living expenses are the same, pay rent or morgage, go shopping at the super market, pay cable, water, light bill, internet, car insurance, gas, yeah expenses are pretty much the same as in the states, Some things might be cheaper but some things are more expensive.

  4. You will find the answers to all of your questions in two websites.  I have put them down as a source so you can just click and find the information you need.

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