
Can you tell me how far apart my kids will be in school?

by Guest60290  |  earlier

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My daughter was born January 31st, 2006. My son was born August 19th, 2007. Will they be in grades next to each other, or will there be a year between them?

Do you know the aprox. 'cut off dates'? I'm wondering if my son will go to kindergarten when he is five, or perhaps six.





  1. no one grade apart. but they will be in the some school

  2. If you live in the US your daughter will start school in september 2011 and your son will start school in September of 2012. They will be in grades next to each other. The cut off is September 30th.

  3. Unless your state has a cut off date of August 1st, they will be one grade apart.  Look it up on your state board of education website.

  4. When your daughter is in 1st grade your son will be in Kindergarten and so on...

  5. most of the above answers are correct. I have 3 girls,4-5-10.

                                           My 4 and 5 yr. olds are in kindergarten and 1st grade. 1 year apart(as yours will be).You can also send them to headstart (preschool) but that may be expensive.(more than daycare possibly).

  6. It depends on where you live. Call your local elementary school and find out the cut-off dates.

  7. Mid august is usally the cut off date, it all depends on the school district. I dont think there is a set mandatory date for every school, just whatever the school chooses. Call your school and find out, that way you will know for sure.

  8. cut off in jersey is oct.

    they'll be a grade apart

  9. it depends on where you live and your school district. i was born in november of 92 and could not go to school until i was about to turn 6. your son should be able to start when he is 5 though, because his birthday is in august. it's usually the october and november babies who have to wait the year. because of your daughter's birthday, she will probably not make the cut-off and your children will most likely be 1 grade apart (or grades next to each-other, however you wanna say it), if my math is correct.

  10. In my area the cut-off dates now seem to be early/middle August.  I disagree with these arbitrary cut-off dates 1000% (the public school system would have had this girl, born ~2 weeks after your son, wait until she was 6 to start kindergarten even though she could already read just fine back in the day), but hopefully your schools will take your son when he's 5 without having to put up a fight if you think he's ready.

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