
Can you tell me how to combat stage fright?

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I'm going to my school's singing audition soon but because I know that once I'm up there on stage I lost confidence once I see the audience and soon the next thing I know the judges say "Next!" (this happened before; so I want to know how to avoid this in my next audition). I still signed up this time because my friends told me I have a great singing voice, but I cannot stop thinking about how little support I have, especially from my enemies in school (who are good at boo-ing because they hate me for whatever reason) and the few friends who are willing to support me. I'm not trying to be arrogant, but with little support, I'd have no confidence to even go on stage. So someone please give me some advice on how to solve this problem.




  1. just go up there and do your thing. why should you care about how people look at you? that's not your main focus. just focus on what you are doing up on that stage and do it well. only by performing well and having a humble attitude will people then support you.

  2. You gotta believe in yourself, first of all. Know that you'll do your best and take those friends who told you that you have a good singing voice into consideration.

    Before going onstage take deep breathes-exhale slowly-to help calm your nerves. Give yourself some positive self-talk such as, "Ok, I can do this."

    Once you're up on that stage, try and imagine you're in your room all by yourself. Or, stare at the back wall of the auditorium. Ignore the booing and just keep singing. They're just jealous that you can sing and are actually doing something worthwhile with your time.

    Practice doesn't hurt either. :-)

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