
Can you tell me how to develop the discipline of going vegan?

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After many years of debauchery and hedonism I am seriously considering a major lifestyle change.




  1. I'm a vegan and people always

    use the term self discipline,

    saying that the admire me for

    supposedly have a lot of it.

    However, I don't see it that way

    at all. I think that my principles

    should outweigh my desires.

    Showing commitment with your

    diet can easily pass over to

    other aspects of your lifestyle.

    Helping you give everything 100%.

    Do nothing half hearted.

    Despise fakes.

  2. It's not really about discipline as much as it is about your beliefs.  If you truly believe that there was suffering in what you are about to eat, wear or use then you really begin to understand that it's not just about you and how disciplined you are.  It's an understanding about a life that was tortured and or killed for your pleasure or wants.  At least that's how I thought about it in the beginning and it would stop me dead in my tracks from getting myself off track.

    Remember that anything that you need or want, there is a vegan alternative for it!

  3. Well first, rest assured it's possible to be a debauched and hedonistic vegan and many of us are, so the lifestyle change may not be as huge as you anticipate.

    Surprised to see the question though, as you have been pretty scathing about veganism in the past; still, have to assume you're serious as you've gone to the trouble of doing a little 'unblocking' in order to get an answer.

    For me, it required  very little discipline to go vegan - I had been a vegetarian for many years though, so maybe it was easier for me - and almost none to remain one.

    I think people assume it requires a huge amount of self-discipline because they assume a vegan diet excludes everything that's delicious and is a boring and bland diet.

    If you do go vegan you'll realise that in fact there is a huge variety of delicious foods you can eat and a vegan substitute for almost all those you can't. Eating out is the hardest thing, but once you've got used to getting around that it's not such a problem.

  4. My experience is is similar to Joey's.  People will ask me as they share a plate of greasy nachos in front of me, "How do you have the self discipline?"  I don't have ANY self discipline!  I'm the WORST procrastinator.  I haven't been to the gym since May.

    It's a matter of principles and beliefs, not self discipline.  You cannot close your eyes once they've been opened.  I saw a video where they were loading used up dairy cows into a truck (used up means under five years old -- this animal would easily live to be 20 years old if cared for properly and not milked to death).  One of the cows didn't want to move her head so they could close the truck, so the worker loading her jammed something into her eye.  I cannot unsee that.  I cannot tell myself, "That's unusual."  I cannot say to myself, "My contribution to the demand for dairy products is irrelevant."

    No.  I cannot be a part of that.  I have never seen such horrible cruelty.  I cannot blink it.  My conscience will not allow it.

  5. In order to achieve veganism you need to understand the act of compassion. Practice compassion towards your fellow man, and practice compassion towards animals. Know that animals can feel pain, love, and sorrow. When humans hurt them, they become injured both emotionally and physically. Let us establish a peaceful relationship among people and animals, and what better way to achieve this than veganism.

  6. think about what it really is.

    an egg is not just an egg. it is a chicken period.

  7. Take baby steps. Start by not eathing red meat. After a few weeks of only poultry and fish stop eating poultry and just fish. Next, stop with the fish a be a veggie. Then, stop having dairy products and go vegan.

    -no red meat. only white meat and fish

    -only fish

    -go veggie

    go vegan

    GOOD LUCK! = )

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