
Can you tell me how to make an example of Crookes' tube?

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Please give a lot of detail on how to make a model of the scientist Crookes' tube.Thanks so much for your help!!!! Its for a science project.Do u have another visual we could use for him?




  1. At the small end of a glass cone, an electrically heated wire, called the cathode, produces electrons. At the opposite end, a phosphor coated screen forming an anode is connected to the positive terminal of a voltage source of modest voltage (a few hundred volts), whose negative end is connected to the cathode. In between the cathode and the anode is placed a third element, a flat plate with some distinctive shape (the shadow mask), also connected to the cathode. When the appropriate voltages are applied to the various elements the screen will be seen to glow. A non-glowing image of the shadow mask will be imposed upon the screen.

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