
Can you tell me how you can prove that it was not the psychiatric drugs Andrea Yates was using?

by  |  earlier

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that caused her to Kill her kids when no ethical psychiatrist could or would even say that for sure, come on I mean, don't be liars!




  1. People, please stop answering this person's questions.  She's obviously just out for some negative attention

  2. Why is this in the Adoption section?

  3. who cares what "made" her do it shes crazy and killed her kids which means shes not a functioning law abiding member of society so a padded room or behind bars doesn't really matter

  4. Can YOU prove that it was.  We can call you a liar too you know.  It's easy when you CAN'T show any proof either...

    And there are plenty of ethical psychiatrist's out there.  You can't just generalize like that.  It isn't fair and one of your greatest advocacy's, it seems to be, is fairness.

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