
Can you tell me if I am a thief?

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So here's some detail. I live in a subdivision where I pay homeowners association dues which covers the upkeep of the exterior of my home ie washing siding, cutting grass, pruning bushes etc. This spring the tree I had in my front yard died because of the way the landscapers planted was left in a wire cage in the ground, wrapped in nylon ropes, and when the trunk grew the ropes cut into it and killed the tree. As a result I had to cut down the tree and restructure my front flower bed to compensate. I will also have to pay for another tree myself. In the area where I restructured my flower bed, I haven't been able to get any grass to grow back there. In my subdivision we have a small playground, and a few days ago they put in new sod. Well, a couple nights ago, I yanked out two strips of the sod and put it in my yard where I couldn't get the grass to grow. On one hand I feel like a thief, but on the other hand my money paid for that sod. Am I just bitter over the tree and I've turned into a thief, or am I justified?




  1. whats the number for crimewatch?

  2. good for you, im not a judge

    yeah you are pretty upset over that tree, esp YOU having to buy one at your expense when they did the job wrong . I don't understand.....why  i would have been all over them about that, did you fuss with them about it? Did they ignore you? I hate condo's for this very reason.

  3. Do I think you did the right thing? should just complain to the homeowners association. I don't think you are a thief but I don't think you should have done that. I also think the subdivision needs to use the reisdence money better! Don't let them get away with this! Good Luck!

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