
Can you tell me if my site is well designed please go to <span title="">www.perfectdesignstudios....</span> and check if you like it

by  |  earlier

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also if you know anybody who could use one of our services please tell them about us and tell them that prices are negotiable and quotes are available. Thanks!




  1. i&#039;m only being honest..not mean

    it looks a little cheesy it looks like u got all the pictures from photoshop or needs a bit of an upgrade

  2. LOVE IT

  3. i&#039;ll give it a 7... creativity could be a somewhat higher though.


  5. So you help people advertise their buisness and try to put their ideas and dreams on the web. It ispretty well designed. Did you make it all by yourself? You help people make flyers and banners. That may help me in the future. Hope a lot of people like it. I also like that it has lower prices than the average price.

  6. its kind of dull like a movie that would put you to sleep

  7. Add some better graphics and fonts to liven it up a little.

    Try using different wallpapers for backrounds and more animated GIFS for decoration.

    Once people think your page is awesome more people will buy from you.

  8. It&#039;s pretty bad.  

    For one, don&#039;t have a section stating &quot;clients&quot; that states that you have no clients!  The sign design is not very attractive -- it lacks elegance.  The title on the tab in my browser says &quot;Untitled Document&quot; for each tab beside the home tab -- that tells me that you don&#039;t really know what you&#039;re doing.

    The font is too big and the clip art is old and clunky.  There is nothing modern about your site at all.  The left sidebar is messed up.  Finally, in your list of services and project types, the entries seem clickable when the mouse hovers over them, but they&#039;re not clickable.

    Sorry to be so critical!! I&#039;m just trying to give you a reality check.

  9. it could be more jazzy/interesting...the colors are could go with more subtle, classy colors (think apple) or you could go more bright and interesting.  don&#039;t love the font...again, boring.  

    check for typos too...down the bottom...and your alignment.

    it&#039;s functional, but not fabulous.

    i&#039;d work on it a little more if i were you.

  10. Looks real low tech. sorry....

  11. looks a little plane

  12. Idk

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