
Can you tell me if this enough calories???

by  |  earlier

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hey, can anyone tell me if about 660 calories today is enough?

i have had: BF - a few grapes and half a bana with a little low fat organic yogurt (bout 100 cals)

SNACKS - 4 tiny scones with a little jam (seriously there tiny! bout 200cals)

LUNCH - packet of pasta from co-op (85cals)

DINNER - a small bowl of bean soup (bout 100 cals) and also, 1 maryland cookie (don't know how many cals, but i'm guessing about 55).

erm... can you tell me, if this amount in a day is enough? also because i haven't done any exercise today, will i gain weight?

if this is relavent, i am 5ft 4inches!




  1. An average adult needs about 2000 calories per day.  

  2. you stupid girl! The fact that you're interested in calorie intake shows that you know that this is no-where near enough. I really don't understand why people want to slim down in this way. You will deplete your body of all it's required nutrients and your body will think it's starving and start to store fat! You need to eat properly and exercise - how many times does it need to be said????

  3. You should be eating at least 1200 calories a day, and that's only if you're trying to lose weight. You definitely won't gain weight, and try to eat more.

  4. yeah eat a little more though thats not enough!

  5. it really isn't enough, and what makes it worse is that your eating the wrong type of stuff.

    do away with the scones, the jam, the pasta and the cookie.

    My Reasoning is that the pasta,scones and cookies contain lots of carbs and if you ain't doing any excesses than they're going to stay in your system.

    Your best bet would be to eat smaller portions throughout the day.

    I have put this in quite a few answers, but it helps me alot:


    Breakfast: Porridge (I eat it uncooked with skimmed milk - it expands in stomach and makes u fuller)

    Snack: Apple:

    Lunch: Salad with some lean meat

    Snack: pear

    Dinner: Steamed (or boiled will do) veggies - and lean meat.

    Snack: Orange

    Dont eat after 6pm, and if you are hungry then drink somethin hot

  6. That is no where near enough food, you need to eat 2000 calories a day ( or as near as d**n it).

    Try eating more, but healthier options, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, drink lots of water and eat some good lean meat for plenty of protein.

  7. No way 660 is not near enough unless you want to get sick. It is not good for you to not have enough calories. As Eve said at least 1200 and probably a little bit more would not hurt. The key is eating the right kinds of calories if you get a good diet fitness program you can lose a lot of weight in a short time and then keep it off while eating healthy! Check out they have reviewed 100's of diet programs and selected the top five available today. Choose one and follow it and you will succeed and lose your weight and your calorie count will be right for you.

  8. well how old are u? the average woman should eat about 2000 calories... so u are way under... um even  if u are trying to lose weight u are under... u need to eat more :P

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