
Can you tell me if this is true or false?

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was pushed

down a sewer opening

by 5 girls in her school,

trying to



in front of

her school

during a fire drill.

When she didn't submerge

the police were called.

They went down

and brought up

17 year old

Carmen Winstead's


her neck broken from

hitting the ladder,and then theside concrete at the bottom.The girls told everyone she fell...They believed them.


2 months ago,

16 year old

David Gregory

read this post and

didn't repost it. .That morning

a few hours later

the police found himin thesewer,his neck broken

and his face skinpeeled off.Even google her name- you'll find this to be trueThen Carmen will get you,

either from a sewer, the toilet, the shower,or when you go to sleep you'll wake up in the se




  1. False

  2. Did you try to search the name?  When I did, it is called an Urban legend by the sites that actually tried to go to Indiana and find hard facts about a girl with this name that died.  Google it, it's pretty interesting.

  3. It's fake. I got that in an email a few months ago, I'm still alive. No dead girls crawling out of my drains.  

  4. Thanks for the warning. I won't go outside or go to the bathroom or take a shower ever again.

  5. O_oWTF?? O_o

  6. I do not believe or follow along w/ chain e-mails.

  7. false. that's called an urban myth, meant to scare little kids. what happened to David Gregory, if it was true, would be a coincidence. Stuff like that just doesn't happen.  

  8. Rubish.

  9. Story would be very tragic if it was true! But still lame >.>

  10. Try it it might be real

  11. Sweetheart, if this is from Myspace or Facebook, then of course it's not true.

    Heck, no matter where it's from it's not true. Anything that threatens death if you don't repost something is garbage.

  12. it will be true if you want it to be.

  13. No, it is not.

  14. ... a ripoff of the Ring.....


  16. its actually very easy to take a murder story and make it into a chain message

  17. Most sewers are filled with such high levels of methane gas, without a gas mask and respirator, one would die anyway.

    I swear, kids say the darnedest things.

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