
Can you tell me poetically what real love is?

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" Traveling" shall be my kite

and I shall hold the string

if it be your desire...

you freely traveling

place to place

driven by

winds of change,

my hand there

gently guiding you,

securely keeping air

between body and earth.

my grip not too

tight as I gently

loosen the string

that binds your freedom.

I desire...

though it not

be to possess

or to obsess.

tell me little one,

shall I ever

share more than

time with you?

I see you growing

and dream of you

freely roaming

the world,

choosing destinations,

making your path

through various

uncharted junctions.

and I...

a breeze

with a string

in your crosswind of choices,

wishing only

to travel

at your side

as you go,

never wanting to wait

at the destination

of where your journey

meets the end of mine

You are my child

and I your father.

my words reflect

a love in overflow.




  1. Love.

    Imperfections lie within

    one who is perfect.

    To see true beauty

    you have to have love.

    Loving a person

    despite their flaws,

    is true love.

  2. My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;

    Coral is far more red than her lips' red;

    If snow be white, why then her b*****s are dun;

    If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.

    I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,

    But no such roses see I in her cheeks;

    And in some perfumes is there more delight

    Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.

    I love to hear her speak, yet well I know

    That music hath a far more pleasing sound;

    I grant I never saw a goddess go;

    My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:

    And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare

    As any she belied with false compare.

    It acknowledges that maybe your love isn't the most glamorous, but that you have something even better. And that you can't have a fairytale idea of love, because you may not see the true, imperfect love that's right there.

    I love your poem; it really shows the idea that you can't hold down the ones you love, you have to let them grow and change.

  3. Something like this maybe?

    There was once a time my heart was stone,

    Nothing could get by the walls that I made

    Crying myself to sleep on each cold night

    My soul filled up with sadness, pain and fright.

    I could see no hope for me in my life

    No joy, no happiness, just an empty shell

    Nothing had meaning, no peace just war

    I wanted to give up, I wanted no more

    Then all of a sudden you came into my life

    All of my fears disappeared with your smile

    When you looked into my eyes I found peace

    My heart filled with joy, all my pain did cease

    Many men have seen angels but I have seen you

    Youre more beautiful than all the stars combined

    My hearts not cold anymore, the stone has crumbled away

    My life began again on this wonderful bright day

    I walk with a smile, a spring in my step

    A song in my heart, a light in my soul

    I am happy now, you've changed my life for good

    Im flying in the clouds, reach the stars I could

    You are my fantasy, my reality and everything in between

    I feel alive for the first time ever, I feel so much

    Emotions deeper than ever before, passion so intense

    Everything seems so clear, but yet nothing seems to make sense.

    When you hold me close in your arms

    The world just melts away around me

    There is nowhere else I'd rather be

    Looking deep in your eyes, my heart at last is free

    Before I met you I knew only darkness

    Now I see nothing but the light

    My heart is flying over mountains and hills

    I love you forever and I always will.

    *Note: I did not write this poem. A man by the name of Matthew Richardson wrote it.

  4. "Double Dutch"

    Jump ropes swinging

    Little girls in hot pink skirts

    Faces straining


    One of them is in the middle.

    Hip, hop. Hip, hop.

    She jumps up and down

    Never missing a beat.

    I stand at the end turning rope.

    Watch my daughter.


    Listen to her feet tapping out her rhythm.

    I want to dance, too!

    Skip inside the circle,

    Join the criss-cross game!

    I turn the ropes for another hour.

  5. That was truly beautiful, thanks for sharing it!  Did you write this, I am interested in know the answer?

    My version of love --  poetically

    I will be there if you need me

    but hinder you I will not

    I will be there to give you moral support

    only if you chose to take it

    I will help you stand up

    If you fall down

    I will let you go

    All you need is to let me know

    If may not be that good but that's all I have in me right now!!  Cheers !!

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