
Can you tell me some basic ballet or any dance moves I can learn, give me the sources too thanks

by  |  earlier

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I am auditioning for grease next march, I know a lot of time, but I have college too, I am eighteen years old. I have acted in other things, and I have sang/acted in a opera I really don't have a broad dancing background, but that doesn't mean I still can't learn. Thanks!




  1. You should probably get some Pirouettes down (when your foot is attatched to your leg while you turn) and an easier turn is a shene turn which is just a turn in releve. If you can master those you might want to try a fuette but i cant even get those good lol. You can try to get your extensions (grabbing your foot by your heel and bringing it towards your head). You can basically learn anything if you know all of the positions (1st, 2nd, 3rd...ect). Stretch daily if you can to improve your flexibility, Good luck with your audition and just know that a smile can win anybody over =].  

  2. Well, you need to learn several dance moves in that musical.

    Part of the movie focuses on 1950s and 1960s rock and roll, so that means the jitterbug, or east coast swing. Here are a few jitterbug moves....

    The shuffle step to the left.....

    Side LF, close RF to LF, and side LF again (1 and 2)

    The shuffle step to the right......

    Side RF, close LF to RF, and side RF again (1 and 2)

    The freeze jump and close step is used in swing, even though it is also used in hip-hop. You jump on both feet and land both feet about a shoulder width apart, and you jump on both feet again so that you land with feet together again. Count is 1 2, but you can do some double time with it (1 and) or even augment the timing (1, hold 2, 1 hold 2).

    And of course, there is the "hand jive" dance. I had seen that in the "Grease" movie. I can tell you how it is done.

    Basic setup for the a type of "running man" (think of yourself running in place) move that you see in breakdancing but don't lift your feet, and with your hands, move your hands in a quick alternating motion, palms inward, and drumming the hands on your knees as if your knees are drums. Occasionally move your hands to a chest-level motion to clap several times and eventually move your hands down to knee level and drum again. Count is 1 2 for the feet, first left and then right, and for the hand drumming, it is much faster....1 a and a 2 a and a....sort of like sixteenth notes in musical rhythm. That is, four hits with your hands on one beat....divided by four fourths. Also...when you hit the hands on your knees, crouch a little forward with your upper body....unless you clap your hands.

    Hope all of this helps.

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