The no. in the brackets are the no. of letters the answer contains.
3)Surprising unpleasant event(9)
8)Source, orgin(4)
9)Required by law(9)
10)Forest-dwelling deer native to Asia(4)
11)Shooting spot using clay targets(5)
15)Genus of New World submersed aquatic plants(6)
16)Appraise, evaluate(6)
17)Take flight(6)
19)Possibility, choice(6)
20)Former Italian coin(5)
23)Blue-green pigment(4)
24)Alternative route(9)
25)Narrow Scottish valley(4)
26)Negative thinking (9)
1)Gradual increase in loudness in a piece of music(9)
2)Beetle like scavenging insect(9)
4)Serbian soft leather shoe(6)
5)Harrass, torment(6)
6)Strikes, knocks(4)
7)Small parrot with brush-tipped tongue(4)
11)Show signs of(5)
12)Three-wheeled Indian delivery van(5)
13)Capable of being guided or streered(9)
14) Extreme, Drastic(9)
18)Tree-dwelling U.S. marsupial with prehensile tail(6)
19)Repugnant, repellent(6)
21)Atrocious, dreadful(4)
22)In Irish folklore, a magically-imposed obligation(4)