
Can you tell me something about my sign aries?

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Can you tell me something about my sign aries?




  1. The moment you come across an Aries, the first thing that comes to your mind is his/her friendly nature. The friendliest person in your neighborhood will most probably be an Aries personality. People having an Aries profile cannot tolerate injustice, always fight against it and will defend the weak. Aries, The Ram, is the first sign of the zodiac, considered to be the infant representing birth. Just like an infant, he is also aware only of himself and his needs. However, he is not selfish. It's just that he is totally ignorant of the fact that his needs may be causing you some inconvenience.

    The innocence of Aries people is enough to cover their, sometimes, aggressive behavior. This naiveté brings fearlessness, while at the same time making them highly vulnerable. They trust people easily, get hurt in the process, forgive and forget, and then, trust again. An Aries person is beyond shrewdness and fallacy and can never lie, not even to save his life. He is what he seems to be. Qualities like subtlety, diplomacy or modesty just don't gel with Aries symbol. An Aries can be calm, wise and serious, but not before he has gone past youth.

    He is pretty impatient, but liberal with money and material things. Frankness, lack of stability, fear of physical pain, optimism and impulsiveness are some of the basic Aries characteristics. One of the warmest and the most generous zodiac sign, Aries always prefers fame to money. He may get extremely angry in a minute, but the anger seldom lasts for a long time. Aries people never nurse a grudge and completely forgive and forget. They will never let you know that they are hurt.

    They are never shy of apologizing, but they will be hurt if you remember the harsh words they said in anger, but didn't mean. Gossip does not interest an Aries and for him, people are either black or white, without any shades of grey. There is one thing an Aries can never fall short of, conversation. He can speak about anything & everything under the sun. He lives in the present and is a realist, yet believes in miracles. Aries chase success, not waiting for it to fall in their lap, and don't accept defeat. Failure can never keep them down.

    Most of the Aries people are involved in business or creative arts or are involved in planning and organization. If an Aries does something for you, don't forget to express your gratitude. Otherwise, he will be deeply hurt. However, that would not stop him from helping again. Aries usually stick to their opinion and won't listen to anything they do not believe. They have a contemplative side to their personality. The simplicity is blended with the blind passion of a born crusader. Aries is mentally strong and always one of the pioneers.


    When it comes to love you are aggressive, domineering, energetic and restless. You are impulsive, imaginative and dynamic, a doer, however on can never be sure what you'll do next. You can drive your lover crazy if she isn't accustomed to high energy excitement. You look for spontaneous and imaginative partners who can hold your interest and keep up to your fast pace. You can be a bed bouncer but you always expect complete loyalty from your mate. Although your temper is short lived you will explode if you become suspicious of your lover. You get jealous quickly and you need constant appreciation and reassurance in order to feel secure in your relationship.


    You may appear to dislike men due to your extreme independence. However, nothing could be further from the truth. You are domineering and you have a rather nonchalant attitude. Your energetic and once aroused, you will be sexually aggressive. You like to make noise when you make love and in some ways you are like a wild animal in the bedroom, playful, vibrant and fearless. You like to use your body and are quite athletic both in and out of the sexual arena. You are a romantic, in love with love. You accept love as ones of life's little pleasures. You are a free spirit, always looking for a lover, not a father. You are an idealist. You go after whatever you want and you certainly won't take no for an answer. You have no trouble attracting men because you are always where the action is. You do not handle your money well which can cause a problem for the man who falls in love with you. You however are worth every cent that you cost your lover as you can stimulate him in ways that no one else can do.

    im very clever ;)

  3. My sister's an Aries and I would say they are spontaneous, outgoing, people persons who like to talk alot.  It's the sign of the ram.

  4. um... no, but im an aries toooooo! =P

  5. heroic/ heroine

    brave, courageous, active.

    somewhat stubborn but then again - aren't we all at times?

    you're most compatible with...

    other aries, sagg, libra, gem, aqua, leos and scorps.

    you're from mars - the red planet

    your colour - crimson red

    best day of the week - monday (umm...could i be reading that wrong?...mondays?)

  6. okay, well were the best sign ever and we rock and everyones jealous of us becuz were the first zodiac sign and are element is fire :)

  7. OK but you probably aint going to like it. Ps. My son is Aries so im not too predjudiced.  Aries is the baby of the zodiac and like most babies they are very self absorbed.  ie. I LOVE ME ,  i love you too. Living with an Aries for most of the other signs can be difficult as it is like living with a firework that might go off. They are very generous but often with other peoples kit. ie what is mine is mine and what is yours is mine too. They have a great sense of fun and a childlike wonder of new things. Weak point is the head, many Aries people have small facial scars as they tend to literally rush in to things. They are very impetuous. There is good and bad in all signs so dont take this too hard as i have no intention to hurt.  Best Wishes Alan


    here's all about Aries (= hope this helps

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