
Can you tell me something about the wildlife.....?

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in the Canadian national park the St Lawrence Islands?

what species are common, what are some endangered species there? Etc




  1. Most wildlife in the Canadian national park the St Lawrence Islands are abundant.

    There are




    and even coyote live there.

  2. Federally Designated Species at Risk in the St. Lawrence Islands National Park area

    Common Name

    American Ginseng

    Blunt-lobed Woodsia


    Eastern Loggerhead Shrike

    Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid

    Henslow's Sparrow

    King Rail

    Northern Bobwhite

    Blanding's Turtle


    Eastern Rat Snake

    Golden- Winged Warbler

    Least Bittern

    Peregrine Falcon

    Pugnose Shiner

    Stinkpot Turtle

    American Eel

    Bridle Shiner

    Broad Beech Fern

    Cerulean Warbler

    Eastern Milksnake

    Eastern Yellow Breasted Chat

    Five- Lined Skink

    Grass Pickerel

    Lake Sturgeon

    Monarch Butterfly

    Northern Map Turtle

    Northern Ribbonsnake

    Red Headed Woodpecker

    Short-Eared Owl

    Yellow Rail

    Endangered Species

    American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium): Once an abundant forest floor plant that could be found in colonies of hundreds, American ginseng is now in danger of becoming extinct due to over-collecting and forest harvesting.


    Threatened Species

    Eastern ratsnake (Elaphe obsoleta)

    The eastern rat snake is Canada’s largest snake, growing to lengths of 100 to 256 cm. Factors affecting its population in the 1000 Islands are human persecution and road mortality. The snake is harmless despite its large appearance.

    Deerberry (Vaccineum stamineum)

    Although this is a widespread species in the United States, it reaches its northern limit of growth in the Niagara Falls and 1000 Islands area. There are only 5 growth stations in Canada– 2 very small ones in Niagara and 3 more extensive populations in the 1000 Islands. In Ontario its preferred habitat is dry, open, rocky woods with a history of fire. It is not usually in open sites or in areas of deep shade.

    This is a threatened species because of its proximity to existing trails, a lack of new seedlings, and encroachment by other vegetation. Thus it could decline if it is not actively managed.

    Stinkpot Turtle (Musk Turtle, Sternotherus odoratus)

    This is a small aquatic freshwater turtle that lives underwater most of the time. It exudes a musky odour and has a surly disposition- hence its name. For habitat, it prefers a shallow body of water with a soft bottom and little or no current.

    This species is given 'threatened' status. It is threatened mainly by habitat destruction, primarily through wetland drainage and shoreline development. Because stinkspot turtles are very secretive, it is difficult to detect population trends.


    Special Concern

    Bridle Shiner (Notropis bifrenatus)

    This minnow grows up to 6 cm in length. It lives only two years and spawns only once, in either its first or second year. Its habitat is in quiet streams and it cannot tolerate acidic waters. It prefers clear water and its populations may benefit from the clarifying effect of zebra mussels.

    Threats are the filling in of wetlands and removal of aquatic vegetation. There is no specific protection for this species, other than the protection of its habitat

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